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Wikipedia, an Islamist Hornet's Nest

FrontPage Magazine

Posted by Ari Lieberman on Jun 25th, 2010 and filed under FrontPage. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. ...

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Funny as hell, but typical David Horowitz nonsense. Deathless purple prose:
Throughout Wikipedia, the Islamists and their Western enablers are winning by concealing Israeli perspectives while highlighting negative coverage. They are able to do so largely because they have the numbers (and patience) to drown out, shoot down, and quash all dissenting opinions, no matter how well-sourced. It is therefore incumbent on us to counter the Islamofacist influence on Wikipedia by opening up accounts and begin a campaign of productive editing. By doing so, we will contribute immeasurably to the Hasbara effort and counter the negative anti-Western influence that currently infects Wikipedia.

Plus, the "Battle of Deir Yassin"......
The Battle of Deir Yassin is another good example of the Islamofacist influence on Wikipedia. By all accounts, the Battle of Deir Yassin was a hard-fought, grueling battle that pitted ill armed Jewish paramilitaries against entrenched, well armed Arab villagers, reinforced by Arab irregulars, and according to some, Iraqi military forces. During the course of combat operations, Jewish troops advanced under withering fire, and succeeded in taking the strategic village. Some Arab civilians (including women) were killed. However, according to several historians and researchers, this was due in part to the fact that Arab combatants disguised themselves as women (a common Islamist tactic). No credible historian disputes this narrative and it is a documented fact that is noted by a multiplicity of sources. However, the jihadists wouldn’t hear of it and precluded any mention of it in the body text. They also prevented changing the article’s title from “Deir Yassin Massacre” to the “Battle of Deir Yassin.” Some editors who advocated the insertion of neutral or balanced edits were actually blocked indefinitely or “topic banned.” In its current form, the Battle of Deir Yassin reads like a propaganda piece conjured up by Herr Gobbles himself.

If he's talking about this article, it's a long-notorious battleground on WP, partly because the "battle" was (by all believable accounts) a disaster for the Haganah forces. The Irgun extremists basically walked into the village and slaughtered everybody. The reason why they did it is, and will probably remain, a mystery. Deir Yassin is a good touchstone for finding out the level of rabidity of a Zionist. Even SV is editing it carefully and attempting to be neutral. (See this for examples.)

And this reveals the name that Ari Lieberman used on WP to turn it into "battle of Deir Yassin".
He called himself Shevashalosh (T-C-L-K-R-D) . Raised a stink, and got his ass banned.....two years ago.
Why is he just now getting around to writing an editorial?
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Fri 25th June 2010, 1:11am) *
And this reveals the name that Ari Lieberman used on WP to turn it into "battle of Deir Yassin".
He called himself Shevashalosh (T-C-L-K-R-D) . Raised a stink, and got his ass banned.....two years ago.
Why is he just now getting around to writing an editorial?

Slow news day?

We all know how these wounds can fester... ermm.gif But if I had to guess, I'd say he's got another account or two that is/are having some problems. And I can see by the contribs for User:Shevashalosh that as of 2008 at least, he hadn't learned the all-important "never interact with the community" lesson.

I'm sure he's a really nice guy if you meet him in person, though.

There is a place where the State of Israel is incessantly vilified, its leaders maligned, and its policies continuously criticized by Arabs and their third world and Western cohorts. Any attempt to defend Israel is immediately quashed by hordes of Jihadists and like-minded anti-Semites. Israel’s defenders are subjected to censorship while its most virulent detractors are afforded the podium to blather about this or that “atrocity” committed by Israel in defense of its citizenry. It’s a place where truth gives way to vitriolic, blood curdling Israel bashing.

Yeah, but don't they still at least make an exception for content that promotes Israel as a friendly tourist destination for hot gay guys? unsure.gif
Subtle Bee
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Thu 24th June 2010, 11:11pm) *

Herr Gobbles.

Best porn name ever.
QUOTE(Somey @ Thu 24th June 2010, 11:39pm) *
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Fri 25th June 2010, 1:11am) *
And this reveals the name that Ari Lieberman used on WP to turn it into "battle of Deir Yassin".
He called himself Shevashalosh (T-C-L-K-R-D) . Raised a stink, and got his ass banned.....two years ago.
Why is he just now getting around to writing an editorial?
We all know how these wounds can fester... ermm.gif But if I had to guess, I'd say he's got another account or two that is/are having some problems. And I can see by the contribs for User:Shevashalosh that as of 2008 at least, he hadn't learned the all-important "never interact with the community" lesson.

If only I could find an email address for Lieberman. Then I'd tell him all about Jayjg....... tongue.gif

QUOTE(Subtle Bee @ Fri 25th June 2010, 2:23am) *
Herr Gobbles.
Best porn name ever.
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Fri 25th June 2010, 4:26am) *

If only I could find an email address for Lieberman. Then I'd tell him all about Jayjg....... tongue.gif

You dont need an email address, 10-1 this talk page will do just fine. His initial edits were to the 06 Lebanon War article and were reverted by FaysalF for sounding like a press release made by an army He had tried pushing in the Yediot nonsense about Goldstone into his BLP (see the Goldstone talkpage and archive) and has also been on a campaign to portray the Deir Yassin massacre as a "battle" between lightly armed Jewish patriots and A-rabs who were "heavily armed and reinforced by an Iraqi contingent and other Arab irregulars". See the Deir Yassin talk page, particularly archive 7.

The same person sent Pamela Geller of the blog Atlas Shrugs an email a while back, similar story: see here

More of the same here
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Somey @ Thu 24th June 2010, 11:39pm) *

There is a place where the State of Israel is incessantly vilified, its leaders maligned, and its policies continuously criticized by Arabs and their third world and Western cohorts. Any attempt to defend Israel is immediately quashed by hordes of Jihadists and like-minded anti-Semites. Israel’s defenders are subjected to censorship while its most virulent detractors are afforded the podium to blather about this or that “atrocity” committed by Israel in defense of its citizenry. It’s a place where truth gives way to vitriolic, blood curdling Israel bashing.

Yeah, but don't they still at least make an exception for content that promotes Israel as a friendly tourist destination for hot gay guys? unsure.gif

laugh.gif "There's a little bit of Israel in all of us"™
The Adversary
Moderator's note: This post was merged from another thread on the same subject.

According to Ari Lieberman (who is described as "an attorney and a former prosecutor. He lectures and writes on Israeli military matters"), writing in the oh-so-reliable FrontPage Magazine (T-H-L-K-D), Wikipedia has become a Islamist Hornet’s Nest.

Whaw, and nobody informed me? wtf.gif

<edit; addition:>
Sorry folks; didn´t see that there was a thread on this. (Thanks, mods!)
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