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OK ... who score this win?

to pull a Jimbo Wales.

Now available as a t-shirt, mug, beer glass and hoodie etc ...

See also: define.php?term=jimbo wales

Thus spak the internet generation.
A Horse With No Name
QUOTE(Cock-up-over-conspiracy @ Fri 25th June 2010, 8:05am) *

OK ... who score this win?

to pull a Jimbo Wales.

Is there a way to rephrase this? After all, those of us with dirty minds might be confused about why anyone would want to pull...well, you know. blink.gif
QUOTE(A Horse With No Name @ Fri 25th June 2010, 1:40pm) *

QUOTE(Cock-up-over-conspiracy @ Fri 25th June 2010, 8:05am) *

OK ... who score this win?

to pull a Jimbo Wales.

Is there a way to rephrase this? After all, those of us with dirty minds might be confused about why anyone would want to pull...well, you know. blink.gif

I got the impression that Rachel Mardsen's E-Bay sale was exactly because she had pulled a Jimbo Wales in more than one sense. wtf.gif sick.gif tongue.gif
QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Fri 25th June 2010, 1:43pm) *
I got the impression that Rachel Mardsen's E-Bay sale was exactly because she had pulled a Jimbo Wales in more than one sense. wtf.gif sick.gif tongue.gif

Nah, that was the other verb phrase ... "to drop or dump a Jimbo Wales".

As in "wah, what a stink ... has someone just dropped a Jimbo?".

In Rachel's case ... t-shirts.
Well, I still think this is somewhat unfair, personally. The problem isn't that Jimbo wants people to think he personally is bigger than Wikipedia, the problem is that he wants people to think that he was a "visionary" at the time Wikipedia was initially set up, and that he planned all along for it to become such a big and heavily-trafficked website. Presumably this is so that he can scare up more venture capital for whatever idea he comes up with next, assuming he manages to come up with another idea at all.

The reason he doesn't succeed (to the extent he wants) is simply because it's too well-known that he initially set up Wikipedia as a more respectable (and later, less labor-intensive) alternative to pornographic link-farming. Moreover, nearly all the "respectability" aspect (what there was of it, anyway) came from Larry Sanger, not Jimbo, and that's fairly well-known too. Unfortunately, there are still various institutions and commercial/philanthropic entities that want to somehow associate themselves with Wikipedia for whatever vague and mysterious reasons they have, and Jimbo has succeeded at making himself the public face of the site - and remaining so. If people interpret that as Jimbo trying to seem larger than Wikipedia, I guess that's just how things work in the modern media marketplace... but I doubt that's his real intention.
So a better analogy would be a kind of born again 'Christ Jimbo' who can walk on top of water the surf of all the Wiki-frenzy.

Yes, the Foundations require assistance in telling them where to invest their money ... as into responsible groups who want to take the data and turn it into something responsible. Not the the porn and shark infested wiki-waves themselves.

Wikipedians welcome a newcomer to their midsts. Walk on this ...
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