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> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
Even Meta, Commons, WV and WN have been affected.
Looks like a major database outage.
Most pages I request either never load at all, or
load in broken HTML.

Anyone else see it?

(update) whups, it's a power failure in Florida. Nevermind.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Sun 4th July 2010, 7:56pm) *

Even Meta, Commons, WV and WN have been affected.
Looks like a major database outage.
Most pages I request either never load at all, or
load in broken HTML.

Anyone else see it?

(update) whups, it's a power failure in Florida. Nevermind.

laugh.gif laugh.gif Well, Moulton, you're not as powerful of important in the scheme of things, as you thought you were. A very common failing. wink.gif Maybe a universal one.

You mean to tell me (and this committee) that I don't have the power to block the entire IPV4 network from WMF servers?

Didn't I successfully block the entire IPV6 network a year ago?

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