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I can't bear to read it carefully, but I did notice one typographical error that causes one sentence to make no sense at all. Way to go, Noam's editor.
“Prior to the strategic planning project I didn’t feel I had a mandate from the Wikimedia community,” Ms. Gardner said in her presentation. “Post-strategic planning, I feel I have a mandate.”

I'm sure. Once Philippe Beaudette excluded from the discussion anyone with actual functional ideas for improvement, certainly the remaining "community" of sycophants gave you a mandate, Sue.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Fri 9th July 2010, 10:11pm) *

I can't bear to read it carefully, but I did notice one typographical error that causes one sentence to make no sense at all. Way to go, Noam's editor.

Quite right. It's spelled p-r-e-t-e-x-t, not m-a-n-d-a-t-e. Silly Noam! rolleyes.gif

Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sat 10th July 2010, 7:56am) *


“Prior to the strategic planning project I didn’t feel I had a mandate from the Wikimedia community,” Ms. Gardner said in her presentation. “Post-strategic planning, I feel I have a mandate.”

I'm sure. Once Philippe Beaudette excluded from the discussion anyone with actual functional ideas for improvement, certainly the remaining "community" of sycophants gave you a mandate, Sue.

Mandate form the WikiMedia community, eh? —

I wonder who's the lucky fella ???

Jon tongue.gif
Remember the alternative strategic plan: 150-200 staff working in program areas. Annual budget of $20M +. B/T representing the interests of all stake holders from the wider society not just "the community." Socially responsible policies made by the Board and implement by the staff under the direction of the Executive Director. Gardner is laying the foundation in the same ironic sense that Peter the Great did for Lenin.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sat 10th July 2010, 3:11am) *

Maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about, but this sounds like a very good thing.
QUOTE(anthony @ Sat 10th July 2010, 12:35pm) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Sat 10th July 2010, 3:11am) *

Maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about, but this sounds like a very good thing.

When I started to develop an "external" social responsibility critique of WP WMF had a budget of $300,000/yr and the most difficult counter-argument I encountered was "oh yeah...whose going to pay for it?" Since then that argument has lost its teeth.
What is to stop them from shipping it all out to India and doing it there?

Do the articles bind them to the USA?
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