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Full Version: The Secret Lives of Gamers Should Stay Secret
> Media Forums > News Worth Discussing

A bit of background, about a week or so ago Blizzard Entertainment decided that on their official forums your real name would be tied to your account whenever you make a post, it wouldn't be retroactive it would just apply when they upgrade their board software in the future. After a few days they reversed the decision, apparently due to the negative reaction on the forums.

Anyway, thought it might be of interest to some here.
QUOTE(Derktar @ Mon 12th July 2010, 12:36pm) *

A bit of background, about a week or so ago Blizzard Entertainment decided that on their official forums your real name would be tied to your account whenever you make a post, it wouldn't be retroactive it would just apply when they upgrade their board software in the future. After a few days they reversed the decision, apparently due to the negative reaction on the forums.

Anyway, thought it might be of interest to some here.

You have no idea how pissed-off certain nerds were.
One of them started a blog, just to "out" Blizzard/Activision management.
(Look familiar? biggrin.gif )
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