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Full Version: federales shut down 73,000 blogs
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The U.S. Gov't appears to have nuked an entire blogging site from orbit, via a yet-unreleased memo to hosting provider burstnet.

The prevailing theory seems to be "copyright infringement" as this comes on the heels of Joe Biden's announcement of Operation "In Our Sites" (great pun, roll eyes) which seeks to protect the interests of the Obama administration's arguably greatest political benefactor, the entertainment industry, through rigorous enforcement of copyright law.

Others argue the response was uncharacteristic for DMCA maneuvers and therefore must mean the FBI suspected one (1) or more (2–72,999?) of the 73,000 hosted blogs to contain child pornography and/or a threat to fatherland security. Still others believe this is merely a breaching experiment, a practice run, to guesstimate how adversely the public would react to something more consequential.
BurstNet has reportedly refused to allow the owner [of] access to data from the site, crippling his capacity to bring the site back on a different Web site provider.

Dump your databases. Dump them often.

Some coverage:
Funny, I'd never heard of Blogetery before.

But you can learn a few things from Alexa's report on it. Damn, it was popular.
Judging only by the lists of search queries and by Google caches, someone on it was hosting copyrighted materials, sure enough.

Even better: go to and see if they have an archive of
All you get is an error message. Hmm.
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Sat 17th July 2010, 7:49pm) *

Funny, I'd never heard of Blogetery before.

But you can learn a few things from Alexa's report on it. Damn, it was popular.
Judging only by the lists of search queries and by Google caches, someone on it was hosting copyrighted materials, sure enough.

Even better: go to and see if they have an archive of
All you get is an error message. Hmm.

Interesting, especially the part. Looks like they're acquiring tools and contacts to pull off pull-downs.

Database collectors should probably be vigilant about wikileaks.
Also from Alexis:

QUOTE has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 7,650. The site is particularly popular among users in the city of Ahmadabad (where it is ranked #580).

QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Sat 17th July 2010, 11:49pm) *

But you can learn a few things from Alexa's report on it. Damn, it was popular.
Judging only by the lists of search queries and by Google caches, someone on it was hosting copyrighted materials, sure enough.

Yet having a good reason in this case (as perhaps they did) would not imply they'll always need one.

That's what I got out of this, at least.
QUOTE(CharlotteWebb @ Sun 18th July 2010, 1:48pm) *

QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Sat 17th July 2010, 11:49pm) *

But you can learn a few things from Alexa's report on it. Damn, it was popular.
Judging only by the lists of search queries and by Google caches, someone on it was hosting copyrighted materials, sure enough.

Yet having a good reason in this case (as perhaps they did) would not imply they'll always need one.

That's what I got out of this, at least.

Right. All we know now is they can do this, without the media making a hubbub. Smart people they got there... I hope they're good people too. unsure.gif
Here's the "evidence" that the nefarious Obama administration was behind the action from the first link cited above:


* * *

Recently targeted by federal action, the free WordPress blogging site Blogetery abruptly came offline after hosting provider BurstNet complied with undisclosed demands from authorities. A message viewable upon visiting the Blogetery site gives this message from its owner: "After being BurstNet customer for 7 months our server was terminated without any notification or explanation.” A link on the site leads to a forum called Web Hosting Talk, where the site operator has posted correspondence with BurstNet, that suggests feederal involvement in the incident.

Those first to learn about the Blogetery shutdown seemed to think that the move was due to intellectual property concerns. The online discussion supposedly with the Blogetery owner suggests that users of his site prompted frequent cease and desist demands from copyright holders to which he responded with appropriate action against users of his site.

* * *

Not particularly compelling evidence, but I'm sure that won't slow down the guns, ammo & gold bullion crowd...

This link is a little better in the evidence department:

Sounds like anti-terrorist hysteria although the movie pirates are running scared.




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Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
---Dorothy, Wizard of Oz
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