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Full Version: Plagiarising from Wikipedia now the "in" thing
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I enjoyed this article....

... in the way someone enjoys vomiting.

A User
QUOTE(Ottava @ Tue 3rd August 2010, 12:57pm) *

I enjoyed this article....

... in the way someone enjoys vomiting.


"a student reprimanded for copying from Wikipedia in a paper on the Great Depression said he thought its entries — unsigned and collectively written — did not need to be credited since they counted, essentially, as common knowledge. "

Given the blatant disregard on authorship some publishers have, in printing books of wikipedia articles (see Wikijunior thread), the student may have a point.
Don't discount the pleasures projectile vomiting.

When a big bully is menacing a little kid on the playground, projectile vomit is both a natural and effective defense.

Just ask someone like JWSchmidt, who teaches human biology to medical students. He knows all about projectile vomiting in such cases.
Must be a personality thing but I couldn't see copying text from Wikipedia for an assignment.

Not for any moral/ethical reason, but simply because it wouldn't say what I wanted it to say.

Unless I edited the Wikipedia article first, but then it wouldn't really be plagiarism (though I'd have hell trying to prove that).
If you edited under your real name, you'd have no trouble proving that your signed work is really your own work.
Jon Awbrey
He who steals Wikipedia's Peirce, steals trash.

Jon tongue.gif
The March of Trash hath Peirced to the RootÉ™.
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