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Full Version: Yet ANOTHER example of the danger of "crowdsourcing"
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So, the UVB-76 article sat for many years. Except for an occasional twitting, it was more-or-less stable.

Then, on Tuesday, Slashdot posted an item about that Russian coded-message transmitter going back on the air.

And thereafter, the article started attracting a lot of demented, semi-meaningless twaddle about what UVB-76 messages mean. This "encyclopedia article" turned into a forum for crackpots to post their pet theories on UVB-76's intended function.

Many of the (unsourced) blathers were posted by A-Day (T-C-L-K-R-D) , some were posted by an IP address, and other people added their own special "interpretations".

A primary source being cited: an archived, long-defunct Geocities page.

Result: the WP article, with twaddle, made the front page of Slashdot again.
This time, it was posted by Slashdot founder Rob Malda himself.
(Read the comments, in which Mr. Malda takes a ration of abuse for taking a WP article full of unsourced crap at face value.)
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Thu 26th August 2010, 3:40pm) *
And thereafter, the article started attracting a lot of demented, semi-meaningless twaddle about what UVB-76 messages mean. This "encyclopedia article" turned into a forum for crackpots to post their pet theories on UVB-76's intended function.

Well, whatever its intended function is, I wish we had a station or two here in the Midwest USA that played a buzzer going off 25 times a minute. All we get here is Kenny Chesney and someone calling herself "Lady Ga-Ga."

Can you even buy old-fashioned buzzers anymore? I vaguely recall looking for one recently to use in a practical joke on my optometrist, and they didn't even have anything suitable at Radio Shack. I ended up having to go to an antique shop, which defeated the whole purpose of the joke.

Don't ask me how... that's classified.
QUOTE(Somey @ Fri 27th August 2010, 5:24am) *
someone calling herself "Lady Ga-Ga."

She's obviously someone trying to become a Wikipedia admin. Can you imagine a better account name for an admin wannabe? tongue.gif
QUOTE(ulsterman @ Fri 27th August 2010, 9:40am) *

She's obviously someone trying to become a Wikipedia admin. Can you imagine a better account name for an admin wannabe? tongue.gif

I know there's a list of better ones somewhere on wikisource.

Edit: Here it is (link).
QUOTE(CharlotteWebb @ Fri 27th August 2010, 10:52am) *

QUOTE(ulsterman @ Fri 27th August 2010, 9:40am) *

She's obviously someone trying to become a Wikipedia admin. Can you imagine a better account name for an admin wannabe? tongue.gif

I know there's a list of better ones somewhere on wikisource.

Edit: Here it is (link).

Ah, yes, I'd forgotten we were life-destroying psychotic jerks. Happy days.
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