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A new book about brands and "teh Interwebs". tongue.gif

Don Tapscott wrote the foreword.

I mostly posted this because I know Greg will have something to say. rolleyes.gif

Also, since I'm starting a new topic, I get to add a random smiley, just so that I can meet my quota.
I'm sure that far more than me, Jimmy Wales and Sue Gardner will be distraught over this "brand confusion" vehicle driving straight for their wiki empire.

I stopped skimming the foreword when I hit... "Companies are becoming naked – and corporate fitness is no longer optional. The precondition for trust a good brand is integrity."

However, had I kept reading, I'm almost certain that this would have sent me into a fit:

"So just like Wikipedia views it’s consumers as part of it’s network..."

I am quaking in my boots.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 2nd September 2010, 8:47pm) *

I'm sure that far more than me, Jimmy Wales and Sue Gardner will be distraught over this "brand confusion" vehicle driving straight for their wiki empire.

I stopped skimming the foreword when I hit... "Companies are becoming naked – and corporate fitness is no longer optional. The precondition for trust a good brand is integrity."

However, had I kept reading, I'm almost certain that this would have sent me into a fit:

"So just like Wikipedia views it’s consumers as part of it’s network..."

I am quaking in my boots.

It looks like most of the content currently up could use a good editor, but given that they appear to be working with a known publisher, we can probably assume that someone will be going over it before it hits the bookstores.
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