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I'm a little bit pissed that big names (Sony, Aaron Sorkin, Justin Timberlake, etc.) figured out that a movie about Facebook could and should be done, but we're still waiting on one about Wikipedia.

The Joy
I thought ColScott said that a Wikipedia movie was in the works? Something about vampires, I think? unsure.gif
Truth in Numbers (finally) surfaced in Gdansk, and is apparently being released this year. However, much of it was filmed in 2007. Not sure if it's been updated.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Fri 3rd September 2010, 4:47am) *
I'm a little bit pissed that big names (Sony, Aaron Sorkin, Justin Timberlake, etc.) figured out that a movie about Facebook could and should be done, but we're still waiting on one about Wikipedia.

You should not wish for it ...

In the movie version of Wikipedia, the community discovers the equation for Free Energy, proves the Apollo moonlanding was faked, that ETs do exist, makes peace in the Middle East (ha ha ha) and saves the President from a plot to be murdered. And WR is the bad ugly nerd guys.

The only question worth asking is, who gets to play Sue's and Jimbo's bodydoubles in the Amsterdam scenes?

Do you want to a fantasy casting of who gets to play who? I better rustle up some more cartoons so at least I get a bit part player to play me.
A Horse With No Name
QUOTE(Cock-up-over-conspiracy @ Fri 3rd September 2010, 2:10am) *

In the movie version of Wikipedia, the community discovers the equation for Free Energy, proves the Apollo moonlanding was faked, that ETs do exist, makes peace in the Middle East (ha ha ha) and saves the President from a plot to be murdered.

I would have imagined that a Wikipedia movie would sort of be "The Goonies" meets "Grumpy Old Men" by way of "La Cage aux Folles" -- with isolated snippets of some "Carry On" films and the fight scenes from "The Quiet Man" inserted here and there. ermm.gif
arleen sorkin was way funnier anyways smile.gif
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