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I've never heard of "The Wikipedia Trust" (2:07).
QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 16th September 2010, 9:14am) *

[youtubethingy] huh.gif [/youtubethingy]

I've never heard of "The Wikipedia Trust" (2:07).

Evidently, the interviewee was referring to the "The Public Policy Initiative" of "The Wikipedia Trust". Apparently, a few political science professors have agreed to let their students contribute to WP public policy related articles as a part of their coursework. What the professors and their departments are hoping to get out of the deal, I don't know.
QUOTE(Cedric @ Thu 16th September 2010, 12:10pm) *

Evidently, the interviewee was referring to the "The Public Policy Initiative" of "The Wikipedia Trust". Apparently, a few political science professors have agreed to let their students contribute to WP public policy related articles as a part of their coursework. What the professors and their departments are hoping to get out of the deal, I don't know.

Oh, I'm sure that a lesson or two will be learned. Probably fairly quickly.

Also interesting to note on the Wikimedia blog link you gave... "Comments are closed."
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