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Can the "Tribune" weather a StormTeam Wiki?
by Robin Washington
stuck at the Duluth News Tribune

If we have any remaining doubts about the death of journalism, this should lock it up.

Mr. Washington may be contacted personally at, being that comments aren't allowed on his "journalism".
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 26th September 2010, 9:44pm) *

Can the "Tribune" weather a StormTeam Wiki?
by Robin Washington
stuck at the Duluth News Tribune

If we have any remaining doubts about the death of journalism, this should lock it up.

Mr. Washington may be contacted personally at, being that comments aren't allowed on his "journalism".

Don't you think he was being just a tad sarcastic?

Jon tongue.gif
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Sun 26th September 2010, 9:48pm) *

Don't you think he was being just a tad sarcastic?

Jon tongue.gif

Based on his e-mail reply to my note to him, I would say no, not in the least.

Funny thing, too, is that Jimmy Wales has never edited the article in question.

I will give this guy one thing, though, he is "conscious".
It seems to me that whether this newspaper editor realizes it or not, this is a good example of what is wrong with wikipedia. He's found an article on something dear to his heart. Not quite a BLP on himself or his nearest and dearest but not far off. He sees it's crap so he fixes it, COI or not, as many innocents do. He's reverted by some teenager in a basement as often happens. Fortunately for him he has the ability to influence Jimbo and voila all is well. If he was some attractive canadian journalist we'd be quoting this as a classic piece of Jimboism and posting it in the Jimbo forum.
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