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Try not to hurl as you count the mistakes and the lies.

But try as she might, she couldn't find a Wikipedia entry for "Feminism in Sweden," despite the existence of similar pages for countries such as Canada, India, Japan and Poland.

So she did what any dedicated Wikipedia user would do when looking for a topic that hasn't been covered by one the 17 million articles in the world's largest online encyclopedia: She started her own entry about Feminism in Sweden.
I guess she used a sockpuppet, because that's not one of the articles she has created.
The article doesn't seem to exist at all, actually. That's interesting. Category:Feminism in Sweden (T-H-L-K-D) doesn't have anything that fits either.
QUOTE(NuclearWarfare @ Wed 8th December 2010, 12:30am) *

The article doesn't seem to exist at all, actually. That's interesting. Category:Feminism in Sweden (T-H-L-K-D) doesn't have anything that fits either.

The Signpost seems to say...

"(she began writing an article about Feminism in Sweden, but has so far been too busy to finish and upload it)"

Which is a very unusual technique of engaging Wikipedia for a new editor.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 15th December 2010, 1:58pm) *

QUOTE(NuclearWarfare @ Wed 8th December 2010, 12:30am) *

The article doesn't seem to exist at all, actually. That's interesting. Category:Feminism in Sweden (T-H-L-K-D) doesn't have anything that fits either.

The Signpost seems to say...

"(she began writing an article about Feminism in Sweden, but has so far been too busy to finish and upload it)"

Which is a very unusual technique of engaging Wikipedia for a new editor.

Indeed it suggests the procrastinating perfectionist. So do we know of ANY Sue Gardner edits on WP? You can tell a lot about a person from their edits. smile.gif

A psychiatrist friend of mine used to give his patients a cheap camera and tell them to just take 100 pictures of stuff in their lives-- no other instructions; quite vague by design. The differences were shocking. Some people photographed nothing but details of equipment. Others just houses or interiors or landscapes. Others just people or faces. Others anything BUT people.

WP edits are sorta like that. happy.gif
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