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Full Version: Jimbo Wales to be on The Daily Show tonight
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Gregory Kohs
Jon, I've been watching your show for many years, and I've appeared on national cable television to speak about the problems of Wikipedia. I'll donate $250 to the charity of your choice, if you ask Wales how it came to be in 2009 that his for-profit company was selected to be the Wikimedia Foundation's landlord for overflow office space, out of all the landlords available to the Foundation in San Francisco. He will die on the spot, and then you will have to find a new guest, because Jimbo doesn't handle well being confronted with evidence of his graft.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 5th January 2011, 4:45pm) *


Gregory Kohs
Jon, I've been watching your show for many years, and I've appeared on national cable television to speak about the problems of Wikipedia. I'll donate $250 to the charity of your choice, if you ask Wales how it came to be in 2009 that his for-profit company was selected to be the Wikimedia Foundation's landlord for overflow office space, out of all the landlords available to the Foundation in San Francisco. He will die on the spot, and then you will have to find a new guest, because Jimbo doesn't handle well being confronted with evidence of his graft.


Jonny Cache
I don't make anywhere near what “Moneyspinner” Greg Kohs makes per year, but I'll add $20 to his offer. Who'll be next? If everyone reading this thread chipped in $10, we'd be done lookin' at Jimbo's smugly mug once and for all.

Finally, a fun-raiser I can get behind …

Jon tongue.gif
The Daily Show video producers are very good at digging up old footage that shows how wrong know-it-alls can be. I wonder if they took a look at this clip:

Anyway, the TV program guide lists Jimmy Wales as guest, and "cofounder" of Wikipedia. We'll see how the actual introduction is handled. I'm sure it will be "founder".
Well, folks. It was heavily soft-pedaled... and therefore Jimbo came off as friendly, affable, sincere, self-deprecating... all the traits we know him by.

Jon Stewart thought it would be funny to ask how long he could claim to be Batman on his Wikipedia biography. Of course, that set off the instant Wikipedia response.
Doc glasgow
QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 6th January 2011, 4:46am) *

Well, folks. It was heavily soft-pedaled... and therefore Jimbo came off as friendly, affable, sincere, self-deprecating... all the traits we know him by.

Jon Stewart thought it would be funny to ask how long he could claim to be Batman on his Wikipedia biography. Of course, that set off the instant Wikipedia response.

Having outed Batman, does Jimmy get to be robin?
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Doc glasgow @ Thu 6th January 2011, 7:27pm) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 6th January 2011, 4:46am) *

Well, folks. It was heavily soft-pedaled... and therefore Jimbo came off as friendly, affable, sincere, self-deprecating... all the traits we know him by.

Jon Stewart thought it would be funny to ask how long he could claim to be Batman on his Wikipedia biography. Of course, that set off the instant Wikipedia response.

Having outed Batman, does Jimmy get to be robin?

Holy castle-mortgage, I'm not sure there's room for Jimbo in that universe at all. Anywhere.
QUOTE(Doc glasgow @ Fri 7th January 2011, 2:27am) *

Having outed Batman, does Jimmy get to be robin?

No, but Colbert does.
RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 6th January 2011, 4:46am) *

Well, folks. It was heavily soft-pedaled... and therefore Jimbo came off as friendly, affable, sincere, self-deprecating... all the traits we know him by.

Jon Stewart thought it would be funny to ask how long he could claim to be Batman on his Wikipedia biography. Of course, that set off the instant Wikipedia response.

I think Jon did a great job.
You must remember, unlike us, most of his audience doesn't know who Wales is, even yet what a pondsucking hypocritical conmon he be. If Jon had started throwing hardballs, they would be wondering why he was being so mean to that affable, bearded dork. Instead he adroitly brought up a number of subjects that we and he know his royal Jimness is uncomfortable with: The co-founder issue, his failure to cash in bigtime on WP™ and the fact the WMF is incorporated under Florida law.
He also hinted at several others, such as the trigger happy, authoritarian admin corps(e), the vandals who feed it, and WP's reliability. And he did it all with his usual wit and charm without missing a beat.

Here is a man who interviews real world leaders, movers and shakers, major celebrities and some of the greatest minds of our time all the time. Jimmy Wales is small fry (if not Phillip J. Fry) to him. Beneath all Jon's silliness and penis jokes there lurks a formidable intellect.
Guess it's now time to confess, "J. StewBeef" has become my Oprah.
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