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Has Wikipedia killed the concept of truth?

Channel 4 News (blog)
This weekend, Wikipedia celebrates its tenth birthday. No doubt many technology and business journalists will be stopping to think about its impact.

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Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 12th January 2011, 2:16pm) *

Moderately intelligent commentary compared to what we usually see, but I can't get to it for a while.

Jon Image
Peter Damian
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Wed 12th January 2011, 9:12pm) *

QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 12th January 2011, 2:16pm) *

Moderately intelligent commentary compared to what we usually see, but I can't get to it for a while.

Jon Image

Which bit was the intelligent bit. (Wikipeida is a gateway, first point of call to find out something, has eroded the concept of truth, bla bla). Right.
Jon Awbrey
I always give partial credit for asking the right question …

Jon tongue.gif
Jon Awbrey


I think we all understand that there are many people of good will who edit Wikipedia. But good will is not what pervades the Wikipedia system as a whole. What pervades Wikipedia over and above everything else is a lack of desire for the truth. So I thank you for asking one of the most important questions that needs to be asked, even if a large part of what you say about Wikipedia falls far short of grasping the realities of what goes on there.

Jon Awbrey, 13 January 2011 at 12:42 am

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Wed 12th January 2011, 4:27pm) *

Which bit was the intelligent bit. (Wikipeida is a gateway, first point of call to find out something, has eroded the concept of truth, bla bla). Right.

I'd say the part where he links the ever-stupider young interns with their experiences with Wikipedia.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 12th January 2011, 6:02pm) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Wed 12th January 2011, 4:27pm) *

Which bit was the intelligent bit. (Wikipeida is a gateway, first point of call to find out something, has eroded the concept of truth, bla bla). Right.

I'd say the part where he links the ever-stupider young interns with their experiences with Wikipedia.

A friend's kid found out at a Christmas party that I edit Wikipedia. "Did you know Wikipedia is 99% correct?" he said.

"97%," I said.

"I read 99%"

"Show me. And I'll make it say 97%"

mellow.gif huh.gif

Only took him a second. happy.gif biggrin.gif

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Wed 12th January 2011, 9:53pm) *

A friend's kid found out at a Christmas party that I edit Wikipedia. "Did you know Wikipedia is 99% correct?" he said.

"97%," I said.

"I read 99%"

"Show me. And I'll make it say 97%"

mellow.gif huh.gif

Only took him a second. happy.gif biggrin.gif

A systematic study of the 100 articles about U.S. senators showed that they were deliberately wrong about 6.8% of the time. I'd hate to think about the percentage for just plain-old mistakenly wrong.
Jon Awbrey

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