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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />German watchdog monitoring English [b]Wikipedia[/b]
Monsters and
Berlin - A German watchdog project announced on Thursday that it had begun monitoring the quality of the English-language online encyclopedia Wikipedia. ...

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This is too funny.

Wiki-Watch will let a computer tell you which articles are the most accurate.

Wiki-Watch says for example that the English article on United States President Barack Obama has been worked over by 4,425 authors and altered 15,000 times, earning it five stars, the highest rating.

So, let's check Wikipedia?!

Wikipedia Review = 4.5 stars

Arch Coal = 4.5 stars

Taner Akcam = 4.5 stars

Criticism of Wikipedia = 4.5 stars

United States and state terrorism = 4 stars

Daryl Wine Bar and Restaurant = 4 stars

Job sharing = 4 stars

Roxy Jezel = 4 stars

National Fuel Gas = 3.5 stars

Nadezhda Durova = 3.5 stars

Consumer economy = 3 stars

Charles Coolidge Parlin = 3 stars

Commercial graffiti = 2.5 stars

List of Scientology officials = 2.5 stars

Smotherbox = 1 star

Wikimedia Foundation = Oops! This entry is marked as "revision necessary"

This makes a lot of sense!

Bump, so that this doesn't get lost in the news flood. I think this application is worth a little dissection by the propeller-heads around here.

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