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Wikipedia 'tidies up the internet' for kids

Wikipedia should be educational crack. No wait, that doesn't sound quite right. What I mean is it potentially offers untold riches to young...

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Gregory Kohs

Paul, do you agree that Wikipedia is an excellent resource for kids to read about futanari (an article featured on the front page of the German Wikipedia last year), about smotherbox, and about hogtie bondage? Great pictures accompany those articles, too.

Thank God Wikipedia is granted tax-exempt status by our government, so that they can continue delivering pornographic content to our 8-year-olds, all without anyone questioning why they only spend 41 cents of every donated dollar on program services.

Let us all take a moment of quiet reflection, to remember all the glories of Wikipedia.

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Looks like it got approved. Not so sanguine on the chances for this comment, however:
Would you consider the cultural significance of the "Dirty Sanchez" a "difficult question"? How about the question of why a general use "encyclopedia" would even have such an article? Believe me, there is a lot more where that came from:
Some people just don't understand how a tax-exempt United States charity should be held to higher standards of serving as an "education" resource than a commercial outfit like YouTube or Amazon.
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