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Nicole Anderson learns how to write for Wikipedia with the help of Online Ambassadors

Watching the
Note: This blog post is the second in a series of profiles of students' experiences on Wikipedia when participating in the Public Policy …
What did we ever do without Nicole's contribution, the article Obesity in the Middle East and North Africa?

...of course, administrator Orlady had to get her little paws on it, too.
It would be nice if the Wikimedia Foundation could give us a sort of "line item" accounting of how the $1,200,000 Stanton grant is going toward this project that helps students learn how to read policies and guidelines that were written for free and have been available to any student since about 2002.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 24th January 2011, 6:52am) *

It would be nice if the Wikimedia Foundation could give us a sort of "line item" accounting of how the $1,200,000 Stanton grant is going toward this project that helps students learn how to read policies and guidelines that were written for free and have been available to any student since about 2002.

How long until we see Wikipedia Editing for Dummies? Or is that too redundant?
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