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Worthwhile, if only for the hilarious photos.
Peter Damian
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 25th January 2011, 3:20pm) *

Worthwhile, if only for the hilarious photos.

That was lovely. The text was also hilarious. Why is he lying in the snow in Roland Gardens with a book on his head?

And the picture on the left is particularly comic. He looks a bit uneasy.

Can anyone turn these links into pictures?

"It is just not permitted to inline-embed or link to images on that website. Please use one of the recognized hosts, or go jump in a lake."
By your command

I'm suspicious of that third one; it looks photoshooped to me.
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Tue 25th January 2011, 11:19am) *

And the picture on the left is particularly comic. He looks a bit uneasy.

Heh heh. That's my new avatar photo. (With suitable additions.)
QUOTE(Cedric @ Wed 26th January 2011, 9:07pm) *

By your command

I'm suspicious of that third one; it looks photoshooped to me.

Cedric, your captions for each photo are priceless. Thanks, man.
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