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Wikipedia Finally Becomes Credible {{Citation Needed}}

The Occidental Weekly
Wikipedia is the website ever-present in our Google search results. Unfortunately, it has never been considered a legitimate source of information when …
The website serves as an incredibly vast and accurate source to the general public and deserves a level of respect commensurate with these attributes.

Try not to be cruel in your comments.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 9th February 2011, 3:14am) *

Wikipedia Finally Becomes Credible {{Citation Needed}}

The Occidental Weekly
Wikipedia is the website ever-present in our Google search results. Unfortunately, it has never been considered a legitimate source of information when …


The February 7 episode of Two and a Half Men, “Three Hookers and a Philly Cheesesteak”, provides the perfect tutorial on Ponzi schemes.

The author and her readers should study it carefully.

— Jon Awbrey • 09 Feb 2011 (09:58 am)

I've e-mailed her the summary of the Wikipedia senators vandalism study, asking her for comment.
Jon Awbrey
Good luck with that — my comment was posted and then got deleted.

Jon hrmph.gif
You gents do realize this looks like it was written by a journalism student?

She's got a Facebook.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Wed 9th February 2011, 9:20pm) *

You gents do realize this looks like it was written by a journalism student?

She's got a Facebook.

Yeah, the byline say she's “an undeclared first year”. We were just passing along some information to help her in her studies.

Jon mellow.gif
Wait - Jon Awbrey watches Two and a Half Men? I feel somehow disillusioned, but I can't quite put my finger on how.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Sarcasticidealist @ Wed 9th February 2011, 10:21pm) *

Wait — Jon Awbrey watches Two and a Half Men? I feel somehow disillusioned, but I can't quite put my finger on how.

You need to stop feeling your disillusionment — you'll go blind.

Jon tongue.gif
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Wed 9th February 2011, 11:28pm) *
You need to stop feeling your disillusionment — you'll go blind.
I'm okay - I can't even put my finger on it (which is pretty frustrating in and of itself).
Wikipedia : Not The Devil

The Current
It's time to end the rampant misconceptions surrounding the popular collaboratively created encyclopedia known as Wikipedia, and whether it's a citable …

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First, vandalism has been shown to be reverted virtually instantly, unnoticed vandalism being the exception. "Vandalism and inaccuracies are often reverted within a matter of minutes," write Aniket Kittur and Robert E. Kraut of Carnegie Melon [sic] University in their study ‘Harnessing the Wisdom of Crowds in Wikipedia: Quality through Coordination.' They reference several studies that have shown this effect. There are some widely circulated anecdotal cases of vandalism that went unchecked, but these are rare exceptions. The potential for vandalism is irrelevant because in most cases it is reverted quickly, if not instantly.

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College Media Network is a member of the Access Network
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Fri 11th February 2011, 9:05pm) *

Wikipedia : Not The Devil

The Current
It's time to end the rampant misconceptions surrounding the popular collaboratively created encyclopedia known as Wikipedia, and whether it's a citable …

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First, vandalism has been shown to be reverted virtually instantly, unnoticed vandalism being the exception. "Vandalism and inaccuracies are often reverted within a matter of minutes," write Aniket Kittur and Robert E. Kraut of Carnegie Melon [sic] University in their study ‘Harnessing the Wisdom of Crowds in Wikipedia: Quality through Coordination.' They reference several studies that have shown this effect. There are some widely circulated anecdotal cases of vandalism that went unchecked, but these are rare exceptions. The potential for vandalism is irrelevant because in most cases it is reverted quickly, if not instantly.

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College Media Network is a member of the Access Network


Dear "Current Editorial Board"

Perhaps you could do your readers a service and tell us what press releases from the Wikimedia Foundation were used as sources for this editorial.

Thank you

Apparently you have to be "published in and verified by a peer reviewed scholarly journal" to gain any legitimacy with this author.

Unless you're Wikipedia.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 13th February 2011, 10:54pm) *

Apparently you have to be “published in and verified by a peer reviewed scholarly journal” to gain any legitimacy with this author.

Unless you're Wikipedia.

Yeah, the hypocrisy is so automatic they don't even hear what they're saying anymore.

Jon dry.gif
Wikipedia approval remains divided in academia

KSC The Equinox
Be it English or science, classes across the spectrum require papers and projects of all types, thus resulting in research. What differs from professor to professor though is the ability to cite Wikipedia. Some dub the online encyclopedia pure fiction …
Professors that prohibit the use of Wikipedia are putting students at an ethical disadvantage.

Oh, Allie...

Jon Awbrey
These “College Media Network / Access Network” chain-papers are obviously not independent, so I'm going to lump them all into one thread.

Jon dry.gif

<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia approval remains divided in academia[/b]
KSC The Equinox
Be it English or science, classes across the spectrum require papers and projects of all types, thus resulting in research. What differs from professor to professor though is the ability to cite Wikipedia. ...

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