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Founder : Wikipedia making its mark

Iowa City Press Citizen
Jimmy Wales on Tuesday asked the hundreds of audience members inside the Iowa Memorial Union to raise their hands if they had ever used Wikipedia, the website he founded a decade ago. But that's not the case when he travels elsewhere in the world to …
Poor Josh O'Leary thinks Jimmy Wales is the "Founder" of Wikipedia. Strange that Dr. Larry Sanger championed the idea of setting up a freely edited wiki encyclopedia, asked Wales to install some software, then Sanger named it "Wikipedia", Sanger issued the first public call for participation, and Sanger spearheaded most of the crucial policies and guidelines that still govern Wikipedia today. We don't want self-made lies in the news, we'd like facts, please.

-- Gregory Kohs
Wikipedia founder speaks on campus

UI The Daily Iowan
Audiences chuckled Tuesday evening when the cofounder of Wikipedia asked if they had ever accessed the website before. Almost all raised their hands. The open access reference work is admittedly used …
Jon Awbrey

Readers interested in facts and knowledgeable commentary about the Wikimedia Foundation and its various Wikipedia projects will find plenty to think about at The Wikipedia Review.


— Jon Awbrey • 09 Mar 2011 (10:05 AM)

QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 9th March 2011, 8:47am) *

Wikipedia founder speaks on campus

UI The Daily Iowan
Audiences chuckled Tuesday evening when the cofounder of Wikipedia asked if they had ever accessed the website before. Almost all raised their hands. The open access reference work is admittedly used …

Poor Alison Sullivan thinks Jimmy Wales is the "Founder" of Wikipedia. Strange that Dr. Larry Sanger championed the idea of setting up a freely edited wiki encyclopedia, asked Wales to install some software, then Sanger named it "Wikipedia", Sanger issued the first public call for participation, and Sanger spearheaded most of the crucial policies and guidelines that still govern Wikipedia today. Alison, we don't want self-made lies in the news, we'd like facts, please.

-- Gregory Kohs

We can do this all day, Iowa media outlets.
Jon Awbrey

Wales also discussed the future “wiki” plans, including pop-culture sites.

“This idea of a participating culture doesn’t have to end with Wikipedia,” Wales said.

There is nothing “future” about Mr. Wales plans for “Wikia”, the commercial pop-cult branch of Wales global enterprises, which he just can't help plugging at every opportunity.

— Link

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