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CIOB calls on construction professionals to challenge Wikipedia definition
The 14 March is International Construction Management Day, but what does Construction Management mean to you? Is it purely a site-based function or something that goes further with a longer reach and deeper value? Does it encompass a range of …
Looks like this will lead to another USA vs. UK edit war.

"We know that Construction Management is wider than the narrow US definition on Wikipedia. The importance of CM can be felt in national economies across the world, and has a significant role to play on top agenda items like economic growth, low carbon, ageing populations and many more. The implication of a narrow definition is that the full value of what Construction Management brings to the table is not recognised, and that is reflected in government, education, industry and elsewhere.

"We have a long way to go but we're starting with Wikipedia and we invite anyone involved in CM to look at the Wiki and question whether this describes what they do. Equally we encourage people to look at our own definition and tell us what they think."
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