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Experts adding to psychology articles on Wikipedia
That's the challenge the Association for Psychological Science is posing to its members. Wikipedia is home to more than 6000 articles related to psychology, but experts say many are written by lay people, and the quality is spotty. …
When the other shoe drops

What will the experts do, after they've "fixed" the 6,000 articles, when the rabble "fixes them back"?

Ah, it's amusing watching the naive wade into Wikipedia, not realizing the most important aspect of a con game.

-- Gregory Kohs
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 16th March 2011, 10:51am) *



When the other shoe drops

What will the experts do, after they've "fixed" the 6,000 articles, when the rabble "fixes them back"?

Ah, it's amusing watching the naive wade into Wikipedia, not realizing the most important aspect of a con game.

— Gregory Kohs

I've never even heard of this Association for Psychological Science before. Without even looking at it, I'm guessing it's some splinter group trying to push its POV on the psych domain.

How clueless they must be to waste their time that way …

Jon dry.gif
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