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GOP Group Launches Wikipedia-Style Website of Obama Records

ABC News
One of the country's largest and most powerful pro-Republican advocacy groups has launched an online clearinghouse for internal Obama administration documents to expose what it says is the failure of the president to fulfill promises of …
GOP Group Launches Wikipedia-Style Website of Obama Records

ABC News
The White House has said criticism of its disclosure practices belies the fact that it has voluntarily released information, precluding the need for the public to make requests, and fulfilled an overwhelming majority of all FOIA inquiries. …
GOP Group Launches Wikipedia-Style Website of Obama Records

Comstock Images/Thinkstock(WASHINGTON) — One of the country's largest and most powerful pro-Republican advocacy groups with ties to Karl Rove has launched an online clearinghouse for internal Obama administration documents to expose what it says is a …
Jon Awbrey
I see from several news reports that Karl Rove now drives a Dodge Transparent.

Thanks for buying Amerkin, Karl❢

Jon tongue.gif
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