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Founder Jimmy Wales says Wikipedia offers insights into cultural dynamics

St. Louis Beacon
“How many of you have used Wikipedia before?” Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales asked the audience gathered in Washington University's Graham Chapel on Friday. Of the more than 500 people who came to hear his speech on …
Wales said only 30-40 percent of Wikipedia visitors write or edit.


Gregory Kohs 2011-03-27 09:11

Leave it to Wikipedia co-founder (he's not the "founder") Jimmy Wales to think that a crowd of young people who come to hear him speak constitutes a representative sample from which to infer that "Wikipedians are everyone."

Just more nonsense from a man whose nonsense would be rather amusing if it weren't so often chocked with bald-faced lies (such as his being the "founder" of Wikipedia). Letting go of anxieties is pretty easy when you have no moral compass and can just as easily let go of accountability and responsibility.

Beacon, are you not capable of probing beneath the PR pablum veneer, or are you simply electing not to, for convenience's sake?
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