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Full Version: Harry Coover dies! Hold the Front Page
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Libya, Yemen, Syria, ongoing Nuclear meltdown fears in Japan, mass protests in UK....

But wait... there's more.

WP's 'In The News' front page announces that Harry Coover has died! Yes.... Harry Coover! Stop what you're doing!

(No, me neither)
Discovered that cyanoacrylates make a decent glue. Also promoted their use as surgical adhesives, thus helped save a few thousand lives.

Seemed to be a nice enough guy.
But, we want to know, did he ever shoot his baby-momma in the chest? Did he ever send a letter mocking the FBI? Does he have an artistically significant collection of child porn drawings?
QUOTE(Zoloft @ Mon 28th March 2011, 11:54am) *

Discovered that cyanoacrylates make a decent glue. Also promoted their use as surgical adhesives, thus helped save a few thousand lives.

Seemed to be a nice enough guy.

Even Wikipedia itself fails to give him any sort of significant biography! Just a few paragraphs.

The crucial announcement of Harry Coover's demise seems to have been removed from the front page. Now, the lead story in these momentous times is the untimely death due to 'natural causes' of.... wait for it.... surely no.... hold that front page again.... the Great..... Geraldine Ferraro! That black cloud of sorrow has again fallen over the world!
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Kato @ Mon 28th March 2011, 5:12am) *

Libya, Yemen, Syria, ongoing Nuclear meltdown fears in Japan, mass protests in UK …

But wait … there's more.

WP's ‘In The News’ front page announces that Harry Coover has died! Yes … Harry Coover! Stop what you're doing!

(No, me neither)

If there was ever any doubt that Wikipedia is just another whimper in the Main Scream Media Diversion From Reality Scheme, that doubt has now vanished.

Jon dry.gif
Harry Wesley Coover, Jr. (March 6, 1917 – March 26, 2011)[1] was gay, the inventor of Eastman 910, commonly known as Super Glue.[2]

I rarely get to see live vandalism, that was cool.
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