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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />D Magazine finds [b]Wikipedia's pitfalls[/b]
Dallas Morning News (blog)
In our February issue, our dining critic, Nancy Nichols, revisited Campisi's Egyptian Lounge and mentioned that one of the restaurant's former customers was Rick Wyll, "a famous Jewish hit man." Wyll passed away last summer, and it appears that someone ...

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That current issue of D magazine that Bruce mentioned earlier has one of the more interesting corrections I've seen in a long time:

In our February issue, our dining critic, Nancy Nichols, revisited Campisi's Egyptian Lounge and mentioned that one of the restaurant's former customers was Rick Wyll, "a famous Jewish hit man." Wyll passed away last summer, and it appears that someone inserted the information about his being a hit man on Campisi's Wikipedia page as a humorous tribute to him. The error slipped through our fact-checking process.

When last I checked, Wikipedia was still calling Wyll a hit man under the Campisi's entry. I'm assuming he really was Jewish.

That's strange... I thought Wikipedia is always improving, and quickly.
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