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Wikipedia asks why it has few academic contributions

It has asked academic experts why they are not submitting papers and editing on the site. However they do not appear to have wondered if their own culture is responsible. The outfit has teams of editors whose main qualifications appear to be that they …
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Thu 31st March 2011, 4:35am) *

Wikipedia asks why it has few academic contributions

It has asked academic experts why they are not submitting papers and editing on the site. However they do not appear to have wondered if their own culture is responsible. The outfit has teams of editors whose main qualifications appear to be that they …


“Wikipedia asks why it has few academic contributions”

First of all, Wikipedia is not a person, is not even human, and doesn't ask anything. The principal e-habitants of the sites owned and operated by the Wikimedia Foundation are properly described as “Wikimpediots”. So the title should be:

“Wikimpediots ask why they have few academic contributions”

And the answer is that Wikimpediots have spent the last 10 years banning anyone who tells them the answer.

— Jon Awbrey • 31 Mar 2011 (9:32 am)

This particular opinion editorial is actually quite on the mark, describing Wikipedia's hurtful culture in empirical detail. Why any true and faithful academic would want to willingly align him or herself with such a culture is difficult to imagine.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Poisson d’Avril 2011)

Dear Enlitenment,

What part of “Getting Banned For Trying To Help Them Fix It” did you not understand?

Maybe you are just too lazy to read what people are saying.

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