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Full Version: SEO ten years on (or does Jimbo still lust for Liv Tyler)
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Doc glasgow
Wonderful old article , but was Jimbo being prophetic or just pornographic?

Anyway, worth reading.
QUOTE(Doc glasgow @ Thu 28th April 2011, 4:46pm) *

Wonderful old article , but was Jimbo being prophetic or just pornographic?

Anyway, worth reading.

Why not both? Not that it takes a prophet to understand that "there's always going to be an arms race between the spammers and the search engines."

Mostly, though, he was probably just upset that his own perfectly legitimate porn-linkfarm was being aced out by a phony porn-link "discussion" site. If people were looking for nude pictures of Liv Tyler, the search engines should have been smart enough to know that the number of such pictures was limited, and should then have sent people to his site,, where there were plenty of pictures of women who sort of looked like Liv Tyler. In other words, from his perspective, the seach engines of that era lacked the necessary level of sophistication.

It is interesting, though... This could have been the point where Jimbo realized, perhaps for the first time, that to score big on Google you had to have some text included with your porn-links to describe what was being linked to. And next thing you know, there's Wikipedia! rolleyes.gif
That article features prominently Jimbo's close, personal friend, Diana Hsieh. She's a Randroid, of course.
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