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Larry Sanger
...would seem to require the WMF staff to enforce 18 U.S.C. 1466A. This is very interesting in light of my reporting of the WMF to the FBI, which was about a year ago.

The WMF counsel's announcement on Foundation-L had no substantive responses.
victim of censorship
QUOTE(Larry Sanger @ Sun 22nd May 2011, 3:46pm) *

...would seem to require the WMF staff to enforce 18 U.S.C. 1466A. This is very interesting in light of my reporting of the WMF to the FBI, which was about a year ago.

The WMF counsel's announcement on Foundation-L had no substantive responses.

An editor has been working on the biography of a living politician. That politician believes that the article constitutes defamation and sues the editor. The Wikimedia Foundation will likely not finance a defense to the defamation claim. There may be local lawyers who are willing to help at a reduced or no cost, but the editor will be responsible for finding counsel.

I know a certain editor, Goethean (T-C-L-K-R-D) who loves to defame people on wikipedia who said editor don't like.

I can provide, via email full details of said editor to any aggrieved party of said editor so as the aggrieved party can get good service and said editor.
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