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Full Version: An article to delete?
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
This is an interesting case for all you Paddy Watchers:


What's almost as interesting is the troupe of buffoons that has marched in to try and get it deleted:

The usual nationalist suspects

But wait! HighKing is in there as well. Strange. I wonder why? He's not usually seen as a hard-line case. wacko.gif
The Joy
I take it with the recent upsurge in violence in Northern Ireland that the Irish topics on Wikipedia are now even more engulfed in political brouhaha between warring parties? unhappy.gif
QUOTE(The Joy @ Fri 24th June 2011, 7:59pm) *

I take it with the recent upsurge in violence in Northern Ireland that the Irish topics on Wikipedia are now even more engulfed in political brouhaha between warring parties? unhappy.gif

yup pretty much.
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