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RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
500 Quatloos (how many rupees is that?) says that someone in Bollywood is now working on turning that story into a 2 hour epic, romantic comedy, musical, dance drama.

It doesn't seem like a Wikipedia fail so much as a failure on the part of the Indian government in using reliable sources within itself to determine what agencies exist within its own structure rather than trusting an outside reference like Wikipedia. If they looked it up in Britannica or the World Almanac, that would be equally silly.
QUOTE(dtobias @ Wed 24th August 2011, 12:09pm) *

It doesn't seem like a Wikipedia fail so much as a failure on the part of the Indian government...

Yeah, that's kind of why the thread is entitled "Another India fail" and not "Another Wikipedia fail".
*big kitty stretch and yawn*
Call me if these wiki-idiots manage to start another war with Pakistan.
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