QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Fri 14th October 2011, 2:18pm) *

Wales isn't the business manager. Once upon a time he was CEO but Wikia brought in Penchina precisely because of $600 wine bill thing: According to Gawker's story on why Wales was fired as Wikia's CEO in 2006:

In 2006, Wales was courting Marc Bodnick, a cofounder of Silicon Valley private-equity firm Elevation Partners, in an effort to find a way to profit from Wikipedia, despite its nonprofit status and volunteer contributors. Bodnick and an assistant had traveled to St. Petersburg, Fla., where Wikimedia was then based. The talks went nowhere, but Wales, his wife, Bodnick, and Bodnick's assistant had a $1,300 meal at one of the city's finest restaurants. ($600 of the bill was spent on wine.)

At that point, the Wikimedia Foundation had confiscated Wales's corporate card, so he paid for the meal himself. But he then sought to have it reimbursed by Wikia. Michael Davis, Wikia's chief operating officer, became enraged and reported the expense to Jeremy Levine, a Wikia board member and partner at Bessemer Venture Partners, which had invested $4 million into the company only a month before.

Levine then told Wales he was fired as CEO, and found Penchina, who had already made a fortune at eBay. Wales must hate that: Every time he sees Penchina, he must ask himself, "Why is this guy rich and I'm not?" Penchina, meanwhile, must be asking why Wikia is still paying Wales a salary.

You know, reading that tale, it appears that the intimate $1300 dinner-for-four with Wales and wife, and Marc Bodnick AND ASSISTANT, means Bodnick's assistant was at the time subject to some mighty fine evening job perqs. Wonder what kind of assistance was provided in turn, to Bodnick? rolleyes.gif Can he/she type?

Incidentally, said Bodnick very oddly has no BLP on Wikipedia, even though he's clearly a public figure:


I suspect his BLP has been sanitized off, courtesy of Wales. Back in the day, and maybe even continuing to now. These days Bodnick is helping fund Quora, a deal like WP except they sponge off other people's expertise, for free, to get them to answer questions. Sounds like a Wikia business model, all right. Wales is involved in Quora also.

So anyway, I'd like to know about this Bodnick's sex life, fear.gif given the fact that his assistants are so highly taken care of. And WP has no article on him. Drat. wink.gif

Would anybody like to start a Marc Bodnick BLP on WP to see what happens? Just for grins?