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Full Version: Quora: "What are Wikipedia's flaws?"
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Larry Sanger

Steven Walling's response, the highest-rated one, is ridiculous--obviously the product of an uncritical Wikipedia fanboy.

Scroll down to read a much better one, though.
Please, I beg you, don't ever bring Walling up.

Every time I see his blathering I want to punch him in the face. Break his glasses etc.

And I can beat that:
in 2007, Robert Rohde discovered that for the first time, article edit counts were dropping.

Walling's response: snarl at him.

There you are, proof positive that Steven Walling is an arrogant fool.
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Tue 1st November 2011, 9:38pm) *

Please, I beg you, don't ever bring Walling up.

Here he is in a free content photo with a free range chicken.

What the cluck!

QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Tue 1st November 2011, 9:38pm) *

Walling's response: snarl at him.

Not just snarl at him, but reveal his utter ignorance of sample populations. (I almost think he'd have to be making a probability joke there. Someone that stupid can't really exist.)
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