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For my presentation tomorrow to high school students, I could use three or four good examples of cases where a journalist, a government official, a print publication or the like have been tripped up by copying false information from Wikipedia, thinking it legitimate. Help?
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 13th December 2011, 3:17pm) *

For my presentation tomorrow to high school students, I could use three or four good examples of cases where a journalist, a government official, a print publication or the like have been tripped up by copying false information from Wikipedia, thinking it legitimate. Help?

Not exactly what you're looking for, but Scope, Completeness, and Accuracy of Drug Information in Wikipedia: Results
Errors of omission in Wikipedia that would most directly impact patient safety included contraindications (n = 7), pregnancy and lactation (n = 7), drug interactions (n = 6), and adverse drug reactions (n = 5).
I've found this filter useful in the past. You'll get all sorts of things, but much of it is great. I liked this one a lot. Not really what you are looking for specifically, but still pretty good when you are trying to show how dumb people can be.
jd turk
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 13th December 2011, 9:17am) *

For my presentation tomorrow to high school students, I could use three or four good examples of cases where a journalist, a government official, a print publication or the like have been tripped up by copying false information from Wikipedia, thinking it legitimate. Help?

The numerous people who've been wrongfully killed by Wikipedia would probably be a good start. I think everyone can relate to that.
Okay, I think I'm in good shape. Amazing what a little research will pull up. I'm showing news clips from the following fiascoes:
  • Daily Mirror's David Anderson reporting on Omonia Nicosia soccer club
  • Shane Fitzgerald's hoax on Maurice Jarre
  • Muskegon, Michigan's 1970's attempt at secession from the state and the country
  • The death of Sinbad
  • Tim Ryan's dismissal from the Honolulu Star-Bulletin
  • Sarah Palin's article touch-up, minutes before it was announced she'd be the VP running mate
  • Rush Limbaugh's mishap about Judge Roger Vinson
  • Education minister John Hayes copies speech from Wikipedia

Only a couple of them are actually "repeating mistakes found in Wikipedia", but I think the point comes across about how careful one needs to be when associating in any way with Wikipedia.
It would be very remiss of you if you didn't include the "Wanky Balls"
QUOTE(lilburne @ Tue 13th December 2011, 2:05pm) *

It would be very remiss of you if you didn't include the "Wanky Balls"


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