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Full Version: Prison escapee seeks recognition via Wikipedia
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I thought this was interesting in an odd way. It was not the kind of help I expected to see requested when going to the Wikipedia: Help Desk section.

By searching the term "Charlie Chan" prison escape on Google, I found a few results indicating that there may be a film that depicts a "Charlie Chan" escaping from a prison (indicating that perhaps it was a joke), but I did not look for more than a minute, so I'm not certain.
I have read the the article about prison breakouts and the links to wanting more true infomation , I don't. Know how to contact you privatly , I have searched and searched for my name to come up for scaling nottingham prison in 1976 , the only person before me was alfie hinds who was made a hero for escaping , i went oout of the roof and over the wall,, but nothing said obout it , nowhere at all , how do i tell my story

Haha, I love it. What a fucked up personality.
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