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The "LaRouche 1" ArbCom case established that "Original work which originates from Lyndon LaRouche and his movement may be removed from any Wikipedia article in which it appears other than the article Lyndon LaRouche and other closely related articles," and that "Wikipedia users who engage in re-insertion of original research which originated with Lyndon LaRouche and his movement or engage in edit wars regarding insertion of such material shall be subject to ban upon demonstration to the Arbitration Committee of the offense."

Ah, but what constitutes "Original work which originates from Lyndon LaRouche and his movement"? This phrase has acquired a remarkably elastic definition. Consider this quote from Pope John Paul II, removed by Will Beback as "LaRouche-sourced material," although there is no source cited. Presumably most pronouncements by the Pope get published by the Vatican, although we don't know in this case.

Increasingly, "Original work which originates from Lyndon LaRouche and his movement" has been taken to mean "opinions with which LaRouche might conceivably agree." Aside from Will Beback/Willmcw/User2004, the other hyper-vigilant defender against creeping LaRouchism is User:172, who waged a mammoth battle at the article "Privatization" to prevent inclusion of material on a conference on the privatization of national security functions ( see the lengthy debate on the talk page.) !72 argued that the material ought to be deleted because it sounded like something LaRouche might consider to be important. My edit, which triggered a revert war by 172, was sourced to the Princeton University transcript of the conference proceedings.

Recently, User:Tsunami Butler made a fruitless appeal to the ArbCom, which included an entertaining sampler of recent complaints on Will Beback's talk page. Predictably, this was ignored by the ArbCom.

In the course of the discussion, however, Will Beback announces his latest exploit, which I tracked down to the ANI archive. Will reverts two edits: one edit, in article "Laissez-faire," mentions George Schultz and Milton Friedman as laissez-fair advocates that went so far as to call for drug legalization. This edit was sourced to the Wikipedia articles on George Schultz and Milton Friedman, and sure enough, they did that. However, Will Beback pounces, calling it a "LaRouchism." Similarly, in the article "Free Trade," Will Beback comes to the rescue against an edit which references Henry Carey and Friedrich List, and includes a quote from William McKinley -- "remove LaRouche concepts," he writes. He also threatened to ban HonourableSchoolboy for that one.

So now, if you are an admin and you want to ban someone, you can accuse them of holding an opinion similar to one of LaRouche.
Personally, I know little of LaRouche and have never read anything of his, or anything written by "his followers" (to my knowledge). I've heard bad things. I did watch his half hour politcal infomercial in 1980 -- a novelty and probably the first of its kind; not because I was interested in anything he had to say, but for these two reasons: ( a ) he proclaimed to be a Democrat running against a Democratic incumbant, and ( b ) it was the first half hour paid political infomercial on TV I ever recall.

I was living in Minnesota at the time La Rouche & Jimmy Bakker were both doing time together in the Federal pen in Rochester. Having been involved in prison ministries for several decades, I must confess I always thought it would have been fascinating to discuss the news of the day with them two over coffee for breakfast in the prison mess hall. But my interest in LaRouche has never extended beyond that fantasy.
Incredibly there are people who are still convinced that Wikipedia does not have a political agenda.
HK, could you give me some background as to who this LaRouche character is, and why Wikipedia appears to despise him and anyone who shares his viewpoints so much?
QUOTE(Jonathan @ Mon 12th February 2007, 10:12am) *

HK, could you give me some background as to who this LaRouche character is, and why Wikipedia appears to despise him and anyone who shares his viewpoints so much?

A long, long, time ago, I went to MIT to attend one of the early EFF conferences as an observer. On a lunch break, I went on a short walk around campus. I was soon accosted by someone who was urging me to support some kind of scheme to send nuclear reactors to Africa.

There is much more to LaRouche's background, but that's the sort of thing that most people are going to remember. At least we can credit him with entertaining ideas that initially sound insane ... though continue to sound insane even after the analysis is in.

As to why WP hates him and his accolytes, it looks more like many WP editors and admins have lost too many fights with them. And like they say, its actually worse to win a fight with a cop than lose one.
QUOTE(Jonathan @ Mon 12th February 2007, 2:12am) *

HK, could you give me some background as to who this LaRouche character is, and why Wikipedia appears to despise him and anyone who shares his viewpoints so much?

[disclaimer]Any answer that I give will be an oversimplification, and doubtless will be disputed by someone.[/disclaimer]

Basically, in U.S. politics since the time of the American Revolution, there has been an ongoing battle between those forces who supported the principles enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution, and those who opposed them. The latter group thought that it was impractical and undignified to politically enfranchise the common folk, and preferred some sort of aristocratic system like the one that remained in place in Europe -- either a formal, titled nobility, or in more recent times, an aristocracy of financial and business leaders, typified by Wall Street.

This conflict has gone back and forth throughout US history. A decisive battle was the election of Franklin Roosevelt, who used the power of the White House, plus the enormous popular support which he enjoyed, to place significant controls on the power of Wall Street, or what he called the "Economic Royalists." However, with the death of FDR, the "Economic Royalists" made a big comeback, and they are intent on preventing the re-emergence of anything like the movement which FDR led. Early on, they identified LaRouche and his movement as just the sort of thing which they could not tolerate, and went to considerable effort and expense to eliminate it, without success.

My view of Wikipedia is that it is fundamentally a creature of Jimbo Wales and his trusted acolytes, and in various ways, subtle and not so subtle, it reflects his personal ideology, which lines up squarely with the Wall Street crowd (see Wikipedia Ideology Project.)

QUOTE(taiwopanfob @ Mon 12th February 2007, 5:39am) *

As to why WP hates him and his accolytes, it looks more like many WP editors and admins have lost too many fights with them. And like they say, its actually worse to win a fight with a cop than lose one.

I'm not sure what you mean by this, as I was involved in most of the fights until I was temp-blocked last May. I lost every one of them as far as the ArbCom was concerned. However, if you mean perhaps that I won arguments in moral terms only to get slapped with sanctions, that may be true.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Mon 12th February 2007, 9:03am) *
QUOTE(Jonathan @ Mon 12th February 2007, 2:12am) *
HK, could you give me some background as to who this LaRouche character is, and why Wikipedia appears to despise him and anyone who shares his viewpoints so much?

[disclaimer]Any answer that I give will be an oversimplification, and doubtless will be disputed by someone.[/disclaimer]
My question, too. On this page, for example, we have a discussion between two notable Wikipedian's, Stephan Kinsella, a theoritician of the Austrain School of Economics, and Chip Berlet, a devoted Marixist idealist. Kinsella refers to LaRouche as a "nutjob", while Berlet calls him a "lunatic". Now, for NPOV purposes, what would be neutral compromise language between proponents of private property and their opposite collectivization advocates to reconcile POV discrepencies of "nutjob" and "lunatic"?
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Mon 12th February 2007, 9:03am) *
the election of Franklin Roosevelt, who used the power of the White House, plus the enormous popular support which he enjoyed
Again, a similiar problem. It appears both LaRouche, and Ronald Reagan according to Lou Cannon, idolized Franklin Roosevelt. So what would be NPOV language to describe FDR's inspiration on future Presidential candidates, one considered to represent greedy Wall Street bastards and big business, the other an outspoken activist and opponent of "Economic Royalists" ?

LaRouche's wiki bio says,
he shared a cell with televangelist Jim Bakker at the Federal Medical Center located in Rochester, Minnesota. ...According to Bakker, LaRouche received a daily briefing each morning by phone, often in German...
Is LaRouche Alsacian?, i.e. hailing form Elsass-Lothringen (Alsace-Lorraine), the source of fratricidal warfare between the sons of Karl der Grosse/Charlemagne/Charles the Great, and now the seat of the European Union and symbol of European co-operation. A German minority, living in France, speaking German but having French names (in the 19th century they were called half-breeds, but with Strassburg being the seat of the European Parliament, and hope for the future of a fully integrated Europe, this kind of insensitivity is not prevelant today).
QUOTE(nobs @ Mon 12th February 2007, 9:42am) *

On this page, for example, we have a discussion between two notable Wikipedian's, Stephan Kinsella, a theoritician of the Austrain School of Economics, and Chip Berlet, a devoted Marixist idealist. Kinsella refers to LaRouche as a "nutjob", while Berlet calls him a "lunatic". Now, for NPOV purposes, what would be neutral compromise language between proponents of private property and their opposite collectivization advocates to reconcile POV discrepencies of "nutjob" and "lunatic"?

LaRouche enjoys the distinction of being hated by both Right-wingers and Left-wingers. However, as I have noted elsewhere, I don't think of Berlet as a genuine Leftist, but rather, a "Faux-Leftist."

QUOTE(nobs @ Mon 12th February 2007, 9:42am) *

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Mon 12th February 2007, 9:03am) *
the election of Franklin Roosevelt, who used the power of the White House, plus the enormous popular support which he enjoyed
Again, a similiar problem. It appears both LaRouche, and Ronald Reagan according to Lou Cannon, idolized Franklin Roosevelt. So what would be NPOV language to describe FDR's inspiration on future Presidential candidates, one considered to represent greedy Wall Street bastards and big business, the other an outspoken activist and opponent of "Economic Royalists" ?

Oddly enough, LaRouche and Reagan were on friendly terms. Reagan adopted LaRouche's recommended verson of the Strategic Defense Initiative, and at on least one occasion that I can recall, made a public statement saying that LaRouche's ideas were important and should be heeded (Reagan caught Hell for this in the press.) However, LaRouche considers "Reaganomics" to be an abject failure.

QUOTE(nobs @ Mon 12th February 2007, 9:42am) *

LaRouche's wiki bio says,
he shared a cell with televangelist Jim Bakker at the Federal Medical Center located in Rochester, Minnesota. ...According to Bakker, LaRouche received a daily briefing each morning by phone, often in German...
Is LaRouche Alsacian?

No, LaRouche is the grandson of an immigrant from Quebec. I think that Bakker is simply mistaken here. LaRouche would not receive briefings in German. However, he would receive phone calls from his wife, who is German. It would not be surprising that he would speak to her in her native language.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Mon 12th February 2007, 2:58pm) *
Reagan adopted LaRouche's recommended verson of the Strategic Defense Initiative, and at on least one occasion that I can recall, made a public statement saying that LaRouche's ideas were important and should be heeded (Reagan caught Hell for this in the press.)
You got a cite for this? Don't see his name here (unless you can specifically state what "recommended verson" refers to or supply a date).
Apart from this forum, I have only come across LaRouche in the Jeremiah Duggan case, which was very big news in my part of the world. Obviously, I know better than to assume that the Wikipedia article is unbiased, given some of the editors involved. Nevertheless, there are still some questions unresolved about Mr. Duggan's death.
QUOTE(nobs @ Mon 12th February 2007, 2:40pm) *

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Mon 12th February 2007, 2:58pm) *
Reagan adopted LaRouche's recommended verson of the Strategic Defense Initiative, and at on least one occasion that I can recall, made a public statement saying that LaRouche's ideas were important and should be heeded (Reagan caught Hell for this in the press.)
You got a cite for this? Don't see his name here (unless you can specifically state what "recommended verson" refers to or supply a date).

The Presidential directive you cite doesn't mention LaRouche's name, or anyone else. This is a contentious issue. The Wikipedia bio is semi-balanced on this point -- it has a quote from former head of German Military Intelligence, General Paul-Albert Scherer, saying that Reagan adopted LaRouche's policy, and it has a quote from General Daniel Graham, former head of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, who says that Reagan adopted Daniel Graham's policy (otherwise known as "High Frontier.")

QUOTE(Poetlister @ Mon 12th February 2007, 3:25pm) *

Apart from this forum, I have only come across LaRouche in the Jeremiah Duggan case, which was very big news in my part of the world. Obviously, I know better than to assume that the Wikipedia article is unbiased, given some of the editors involved. Nevertheless, there are still some questions unresolved about Mr. Duggan's death.

The Duggan story, as it appeared in the British press, is on the face of it a fairly outlandish conspiracy theory. It alleges that, for unknown reasons, LaRouche activists practiced Mind Control on Duggan as he attended a conference in Germany, causing him to commit suicide. It leaves unanswered the questions of how the LaRouchians were able to control his mind, and more importantly, why would they want to? He had no prior contact with the organization. He was a casual attendee at a conference held to oppose the Bush administration's Iraq war policy. People that I know in the organization have told me that the organization's relations with his mother were initially quite friendly, and then some British government officials intervened, including Baroness Symons, a spooky right-wing figure. Next thing you know, Chip Berlet is involved, and Berlet crafts the mother's campaign to blame LaRouche.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Mon 12th February 2007, 6:14pm) *
QUOTE(Poetlister @ Mon 12th February 2007, 3:25pm) *
Apart from this forum, I have only come across LaRouche in the Jeremiah Duggan case, which was very big news in my part of the world. Obviously, I know better than to assume that the Wikipedia article is unbiased, given some of the editors involved. Nevertheless, there are still some questions unresolved about Mr. Duggan's death.
Next thing you know, Chip Berlet is involved, and Berlet crafts the mother's campaign to blame LaRouche.
Here is my unqualified take on this: the ADL has outsourced it's program to rebut LaRouchism to Berlet & PRA since at least the mid 80s; Berlet was recruited into the Wikipedia project circa 1 Jan 2005 for this very purpose. He was successful and earned a barnstar. His efforts in this area are ongoing. Meantime, since getting funding from some other source(s), Berlet has begun his Christian Fascist series to counter the Republican base among Christians (funding for PRA has been a problem since former Soviet and KGB fronts like the Guardian went defunct with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992).

As to the ADL efforts in discrediting the "LaRouche movement", they are worthy and I am sympathetic to thier concerns.

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Mon 12th February 2007, 6:14pm) *
Wikipedia bio is semi-balanced on this point -- it has a quote from former head of German Military Intelligence, General Paul-Albert Scherer, saying that Reagan adopted LaRouche's policy, and it has a quote from General Daniel Graham, former head of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, who says that Reagan adopted Daniel Graham's policy (otherwise known as "High Frontier.")
OK, so a "recommended version" has been transformed into "LaRouche's policy". I will accept this response as qualified and specifically answers my question. Someday I may even check this out.

My impression is, LaRouche is essentially among the most vocal and high profile critics of the groups discussed in Carroll Quigley's Anglo-American Establishment, as is Pat Buchanan. Only Buchanan doesn't operate a politcal machine which, according to Berlet, goes out and beats the crap out of its opponents. Likewise Buchanan doesn't discuss in the same manner as LaRouche does things like why God put the outhouse so close to the kitchen (see Berlet, Chip. Right Woos Left: Populist Party, LaRouchian, and Other Neo- Fascist Overtures to Progressives, and Why They Must Be Rejected, Part 008, The LaRouchians, Political Research Associates, Somerville MA, 1991).

A further note: I'm sitting here with an original edition of What really happened at Paris : the story of the Peace Conference, 1918-1919 / by American delegates ; ed. by Edward Mandell House and Charles Seymour; did you know that Col. House and Lord Milner served together on the Conference's Committee on Mandates? Given the American publics interest (at long last) in the Iraqi Mandate and Palestine Mandate I would love to use this source and write on these subjects in Wikipedia. And between Quigley's view of the Anglo-American Establishment, and LaRouches, I clearly feel Cecil Rhodes ambitions were an entirely worthy project, and endorse the successor agencies that were born of it, and continue the basic objectives, and expansion of a global community working toward furthing international cooperation, trade, human rights, democracy, and all the other good stuff that goes with it.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Tue 13th February 2007, 1:14am) *

The Duggan story, as it appeared in the British press, is on the face of it a fairly outlandish conspiracy theory. It alleges that, for unknown reasons, LaRouche activists practiced Mind Control on Duggan as he attended a conference in Germany, causing him to commit suicide.

Which British press published that? The versions I've read (and I've checked an online database of news stories) say that he was fleeing from someone or something, and possibly the balance of his mind was disturbed, but I can't find a word about Mind Control.

Baroness Symons, a spooky right-wing figure.

Are we on the same planet? I know Elizabeth Symons. She was a career trade union official until she was given a peerage in 1995. In 1997, she became a minister in the new Labour government. In 2005, she was dropped for being too left-wing and insufficiently New Labour.
QUOTE(guy @ Tue 13th February 2007, 1:56am) *

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Tue 13th February 2007, 1:14am) *

The Duggan story, as it appeared in the British press, is on the face of it a fairly outlandish conspiracy theory. It alleges that, for unknown reasons, LaRouche activists practiced Mind Control on Duggan as he attended a conference in Germany, causing him to commit suicide.

Which British press published that? The versions I've read (and I've checked an online database of news stories) say that he was fleeing from someone or something, and possibly the balance of his mind was disturbed, but I can't find a word about Mind Control.

Quite possibly SlimVirgin faked me out. Her Wikipedia article emphasizes the Mind Control angle, which is a dominant theme on the Duggan mother's website. The website, in turn, seems largely authored by Chip Berlet. SV's article makes it appear as if this stuff was all in the British press.
QUOTE(guy @ Tue 13th February 2007, 1:56am) *

Baroness Symons, a spooky right-wing figure.

Are we on the same planet? I know Elizabeth Symons. She was a career trade union official until she was given a peerage in 1995. In 1997, she became a minister in the new Labour government. In 2005, she was dropped for being too left-wing and insufficiently New Labour.

She's linked to the Cheneys, procurred a big British government contract for Halliburton, and has been active in the right-wing British-American Project. She has also been dogged by scandal with regard to certain arms dealers.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Tue 13th February 2007, 8:53am) *
She's linked to the Cheneys
Beware of employing guilt by association Berletism's like this, your own credibility is at stake. I did it once to demonstate the flawed methodolgy and got a one year ban.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Tue 13th February 2007, 3:53pm) *

She's linked to the Cheneys, procurred a big British government contract for Halliburton, and has been active in the right-wing British-American Project. She has also been dogged by scandal with regard to certain arms dealers.

She was Minister for Defence Procurement so it was her job to award contracts like that. However, she would have done so on the advice of civil servants. I see no reason to suppose that she's a personal friend of Dick Cheney. The British-American Project is not particularly right-wing. This is all smear.

The "arms dealer" scandal was nothing to do with being right-wing; on the contrary. She helped the husband of her good friend Tessa Jowell to go against American policy.
I remember back in 1988, during one of his Presidential campaigns, LaRouche paid for an entire half-hour of network TV time - prime-time, too, I think this was about 8 PM US Eastern - to propose that the US send a manned mission to Mars. I've always been into "Hard SF," and it was probably pre-empting my favorite show anyway, so I actually watched the whole thing. He laid it all out in considerable detail - even down to some of the technical stuff like how many crew members they'd have on the journey, what they were going to eat, and so on. (I vaguely recall him mentioning urine-recycling at one point... But that may be my imagination.) Anyway, the overall idea was supposedly about economics - he figured this would "jump-start" the US technology sector with large amounts of research money, sort of the way the moon landings did in the 1965-1975 period. Also, he thought this would somehow help stave off what he claimed was an inevitable banking system collapse.

Of course, 16 years later, George W. Bush proposed the very same thing during the 2004 election, though his reasons were, IMO, mostly to distract people from that whole pesky "Iraq situation." Haven't heard much about it since then - along with that proposed nationwide campaign against gay marraige they were all so excited about at the time. (I myself thought about trying to marry an inanimate object, such as a table lamp or a decorative cookie jar, just to "push the envelope" a little bit... Also, I really do love table lamps and decorative cookie jars! Jeez, I'm such an attention whore...)

Anyway, they mention the LaRouche Mars Mission broadcast in the Wikipedia article - it gets a two-sentence paragraph in this section.

And, of course, they fail to capitalize the word "Mars"... dry.gif
QUOTE(guy @ Tue 13th February 2007, 10:32am) *
She was Minister for Defence Procurement so it was her job to award contracts like that. However, she would have done so on the advice of civil servants. I see no reason to suppose that she's a personal friend of Dick Cheney. The British-American Project is not particularly right-wing. This is all smear.
She's probably on the Transatlantic Alliance -- a civilian version of NATO moreless. Stu Eizenstadt and Laura D'Andrea Tyson are the DNC reps. This is where the stories of Bill Richardson working for Henry Kissinger for 25 years are probably coming from.
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 13th February 2007, 11:11am) *
I remember back in 1988, during one of his Presidential campaigns, LaRouche paid for an entire half-hour of network TV time - prime-time, too, ... I actually watched the whole thing.
Yep. I remember the 1980 infomercial -- he thought Billygate was the DNCs hope of saving the planet from disaster.
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 13th February 2007, 11:11am) *
(I vaguely recall him mentioning urine-recycling at one point... But that may be my imagination.)
I hope I don't reveal to much, but this may be declassified open source: it's called ion exchange available in any Culligan watersoftener. So it appears astronauts have been drinking recycled urine for several decades....
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 13th February 2007, 11:11am) *
he figured this would "jump-start" the US technology sector with large amounts of research money this like JFK "pump-primary" or Reagan "tax cuts for big business"? in either case, doesn't sound much like his hero FDR and rape the rich economics.
QUOTE(guy @ Tue 13th February 2007, 10:32am) *
16 years later, George W. Bush proposed the very same thing during the 2004 election
That's called "throwing the dog a bone"; Trekkies are, after all, an important and educated part of the electorate, too.
QUOTE(Jonathan @ Mon 12th February 2007, 2:12am) *

HK, could you give me some background as to who this LaRouche character is, and why Wikipedia appears to despise him and anyone who shares his viewpoints so much?

I should also have mentioned that my response to your invitation was likely to cause this thread to go off-topic faster than you can say John Train Salon.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Mon 12th February 2007, 11:45pm) *
HK, let's get Dan Brandt involved in this discussion. Mr. Brant says,
Carroll Quigley was a conspiracy historian, but he was unusual in that he avoided criticism. Most of his conspiracy research concerned the role of the Rhodes-Milner Round Table Groups in Britain from 1891 through World War II. His major work, Tragedy and Hope (1966), contains scattered references to his twenty years of research in this area, but his detailed history of the Round Table was written in 1949.... Quigley was also an insider, so his criticisms of the groups he studied are subdued. .... In 1962 the Center for Strategic and International Studies was established on the Georgetown campus, where it maintained close ties with the School of Foreign Service. CSIS included a number of people on its staff who had high-level CIA connections. Quigley moved in these circles...
It is my understanding Quigley was a Trustee of the Rhodes Scholarship, i.e. selecting candidates to attend Oxford, whom Bill Clinton was one. I would politely disagree with the "conspiracy historian" part, and Brandt later even says Quigley "was also an insider".

But it's Milner & House's relationship, and what devolved from it, that really should be the focus.

There's much here to discuss from this 1993 piece, for example Brandt says,
The CIA has a long history of infiltrating international organizations, from labor to students to religion. I submit that if an anti-war activist was involved in this type of international jet-setting, the burden is on them to show that they were not compromised. Clinton comes close to assuming this burden.
This was established early on, through Strobe Talbot. Krushchev Remembers, published by Frederick Preager (Frederick Preager = CIA front and has been well known for years) was translated and on book shelves by 1970. Anyone reading the intro knows the translator got the original Russian documents from the CIA. The story told here (finally, in 2000) goes into some detail about how and when the documents were dropped off at Talbot's and Clinton's pad they shared together. This was all known in 1992-93.
Nobs, whenever the issue of off-topic posting is raised, you should probably assume that you are a prime suspect.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Wed 14th February 2007, 12:15am) *

Nobs, whenever the issue of off-topic posting is raised, you should probably assume that you are a prime suspect.
Alright, back to the subject.

Thus far we have identified four invidious pejoratives used in Wikipedia's internal program of ideological profiling, a program similiar to the concept to racial profiling, in theory "keeping an eye" on all editors with potentially dangerous or incorrect ideological views which may infect the planet via electronic transmission. They are:
    Holocaust denier
Herschelkrustofsky presented evidence of ideological profiling which he mislabelled as "wikistalking" in the case accepted by ArbCom against SlimVirgin and Will Beback. HK details his complaint of profiling and harassment but nevertheless can't change his skin color....
Willmcw prepared a list of every article ever edited by myself and two other editors, all of whom were accused of being "LaRouche editors." ...In the vast majority of cases, any connection between my edits and LaRouche would be purely imaginary.
RD added a comment,
evidently willing to put dozens of hours into scouring the entire editing history of his subjects and assembling lists of everything they've ever done going back for months upon months.
QUOTE(nobs @ Sun 18th February 2007, 1:09pm) *
They are:
    Holocaust denier

Surely you mean "neo-fascist" or "neo-Nazi," not "anti-communist"...? Where on WP has anyone been castigated for being an "anti-communist"? Do you have diffs or something?
QUOTE(Somey @ Sun 18th February 2007, 1:01pm) *
QUOTE(nobs @ Sun 18th February 2007, 1:09pm) *

Surely you mean "neo-fascist" or "neo-Nazi," not "anti-communist"...? Where on WP has anyone been castigated for being an "anti-communist"? Do you have diffs or something?

So you are a militant anticommunist... Is that your position, at long last?
Response here, "Pointed reference".

654 Google hits for "anti-communist" defined as pejoritived by Wikipedia's foremost gatekeeper assigned to judge poltical content.

Chip Berlet: Prepared Lectures for 1989 (Cambridge, MA: Political Research Associates, 1989), republished 1992,
"From Concentration Camps to Contragate: Nazis, Anti-Communism, and the National Security State" the author states,
How obsessive Cold War anti-communism led to an alliance with former Nazi collaborators and the development of the National Security State with its emphasis on militarism and covert action abroad, and secrecy and repression at home.
Most notably the Wilcox report from a longtime observer which says,
Concern over anti-Communism represents a thread that runs through almost everything [Wikipedia's premier gatekeeper of controversial and political content] does.
See also
McCarthyism#Popular support for McCarthyism (redirect from Second Red Scare#Popular support for McCarthyism)
There was also a strong and often overt strain of anti-semitism and racism underlying McCarthyism.
and finally to bring this into the 21st Century we have
Free Congress Foundation#Activist training
Free Congress Foundation#Alleged links to "Dominionism"

See also Scot Nakagawa, When Democracy Works, for updated list of invidious pejoritives, targets, project coordinators and sponsors; Dr. James Dobson's Focus on the Family appears on the list with the Ku Klux Klan for example.

Warning: anyone who challenges the NPOV assertions in any of the above links will be targeted, harassed, and potentially denounced publicly with an invidious pejorative without recourse.
QUOTE(nobs @ Sun 18th February 2007, 11:09am) *

Alright, back to the subject.

I'd say that you made a momentary feint toward the subject, and then veered back again toward your epic struggle slash landmark legal case with the Chipster.

The reason that I originally thought that this topic might be of some interest (it has probably outlived its usefulness by now) is that one particular admin, Will Beback, is now pushing the envelope, arrogating to himself the authority to declare certain classes of ideas to be taboo, irrespective of whether they orginated with LaRouche. He is using the LaRouche I ArbCom case as a jumping off point, but he has jumped sufficiently far with it that it no longer has any connection to the case. The ArbCom seems to be telling him, in effect, Run With It! This is sure to set a precedent which others will eagerly follow.

Well, HK, you & I have never had this discussion. Willmcw/sandbox[1] was RD, and Willmcw/sandbox2 was yourself; both were profiled, stalked, harassed, and eventually gangbanged out of the project. Both your "profiles" fit all the pejoritives in the PRA, SPLC etc. literature. You said,
...In the vast majority of cases, any connection between my edits and LaRouche would be purely imaginary.
Can you clarify what you mean buy this. I'm not asking to expound on your understanding of LaRouche's ideas. My impression is, you have read some of his "dangerous" writings, and probabaly used some in citations. But as I understand it, you deny any affilliation with the "cultic mentality" of "LaRouchism" that Berlet and others have written extensively on. Nonetheless, it appears even until now, you can't shake the branding of a "LaRouche editor".
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Sun 18th February 2007, 9:13pm) *

Will Beback, is now pushing the envelope, arrogating to himself the authority to declare certain classes of ideas to be taboo, irrespective of whether they orginated with LaRouche. He is using the LaRouche I ArbCom case as a jumping off point, but he has jumped sufficiently far with it that it no longer has any connection to the case. The ArbCom seems to be telling him, in effect, Run With It! This is sure to set a precedent which others will eagerly follow.
"arrogating to himself"
this is an assumption. You know yourself Will Beback & SV and all of them do not act willy nilly on their own. My God, Electric Ray was just here asking why we don't organize to work together, like they do over there, etc.
classes of ideas
not surprising, and really not new. I could guess what most are (all available at PRA & other websites).

I'm not familiar with the LaRouche1 case, and I really have no reason to examine it. My advice would be to abandon this fruitless effort. Read Hume,
The human mind is of a very imitative nature; nor is it possible for any set of men to converse often together without acquiring a similitude of manners and communication to each other their vices as well as their virtues. The propensity to company and society is strong in all rational creatures; and the same disposition which gives us this propensity makes us enter deeply into each other's sentiments and causes like passions and inclinations to run, as it were, by contagion through the whole club or knot of companions.'
Ask yourself this question, if LaRouche is so intelligent (which he is) why doesn't he tell his "followers" that all his problems come from the ADL?
QUOTE(nobs @ Sun 18th February 2007, 2:36pm) *
So you are a militant anticommunist... Is that your position, at long last?

Without specifically accusing you of quoting out of context again, let's just take a look at the whole thing:

QUOTE(User:Cberlet @ 22:03, 27 July 2005 (UTC))
So you admit that your highly biased and opinionated POV original research actually has no reputable published source to cite to? That because you are a militant anticommunist you feel it is OK to put in print here that anyone who was a commie symp is the same thing as a active witting KGB agent? Is that your position, at long last?

And your response didn't actually answer the question, did it? Sure, Berlet was out of line, and presumably you felt you did have a reputable source, and (also presumably) you don't believe all communist sympathizers are KGB agents. After all, the latter especially is a ridiculous assertion. So why not just tell him?

The fact is, neither of you wanted to give the other any more ammunition, did you? That argument could have gone on forever if the admins hadn't stepped in at Berlet's behest, and we all know what happened after that - Berlet was part of the SlimVirgin crowd, and got preferential treatment. He got it because he fulfills one of SlimVirgin's primary needs - namely, for a leftist who bashes other leftists. He provides left-wing sources that she can quote to show that the left wing is anti-Semitic and soft on terrorists, doesn't he? Slimmy, meanwhile, doesn't need extra right-wingers on the team - there are tons of those, they're all over the place, they're expendable. No problem to ban one or two of them - it shows she's an Equal Opportunity Banner, doesn't it? Berlet, though - he was, and will presumably remain, much more valuable.

Hardly the way to produce a proper encyclopedia, though... is it?
QUOTE(Somey @ Sun 18th February 2007, 10:40pm) *

QUOTE(nobs @ Sun 18th February 2007, 2:36pm) *
So you are a militant anticommunist... Is that your position, at long last?

Without specifically accusing you of quoting out of context again, let's just take a look at the whole thing:

QUOTE(User:Cberlet @ 22:03, 27 July 2005 (UTC))
So you admit that your highly biased and opinionated POV original research actually has no reputable published source to cite to? That because you are a militant anticommunist you feel it is OK to put in print here that anyone who was a commie symp is the same thing as a active witting KGB agent? Is that your position, at long last? 22:03, 27 July 2005 (UTC)

And your response didn't actually answer the question, did it? Sure, Berlet was out of line, and presumably you felt you did have a reputable source, and (also presumably) you don't believe all communist sympathizers are KGB agents. After all, the latter especially is a ridiculous assertion. So why not just tell him?

The fact is, neither of you wanted to give the other any more ammunition, did you? That argument could have gone on forever if the admins hadn't stepped in at Berlet's behest, and we all know what happened after that - Berlet was part of the SlimVirgin crowd, and got preferential treatment. He got it because he fulfills one of SlimVirgin's primary needs - namely, for a leftist who bashes other leftists. He provides left-wing sources that she can quote to show that the left wing is anti-Semitic and soft on terrorists, doesn't he? Slimmy, meanwhile, doesn't need extra right-wingers on the team - there are tons of those, they're all over the place, they're expendable. No problem to ban one or two of them - it shows she's an Equal Opportunity Banner, doesn't it? Berlet, though - he was, and will presumably remain, much more valuable.

Hardly the way to produce a proper encyclopedia, though... is it?
(I added time stamp above) At the risk of boring you to tears, I'll make it brief: from that discussion we have the famous, now twice adjudicated Arbitration Ruling,

good faith = harassment

and the simple fact is, my input into the IF Stone discussion & mainspace was never what Berlet and others said it was. That was primarily a dispute between TDC & others. I just brought in the hard evidence and a little discussion. I didn't know I'd be profiled, stalked, harassed, and ultimately slandered through Wikipedia's bait and switch advertising to get unpaid volunteers.
QUOTE(nobs @ Sun 18th February 2007, 8:47pm) *

...In the vast majority of cases, any connection between my edits and LaRouche would be purely imaginary.
Can you clarify what you mean buy this. I'm not asking to expound on your understanding of LaRouche's ideas. My impression is, you have read some of his "dangerous" writings, and probabaly used some in citations. But as I understand it, you deny any affilliation with the "cultic mentality" of "LaRouchism" that Berlet and others have written extensively on. Nonetheless, it appears even until now, you can't shake the branding of a "LaRouche editor".

What I meant by that was straightforward. Will Beback was claiming that my edits to articles such as "European Classical Music," "Hall Johnson," or "Isoperimetry" were loaded with insidious LaRouchist ideas. That is baloney. But as far is "LaRouchism" is concerned, I am "pro-LaRouche."

QUOTE(nobs @ Sun 18th February 2007, 8:47pm) *

Ask yourself this question, if LaRouche is so intelligent (which he is) why doesn't he tell his "followers" that all his problems come from the ADL?

Because they don't. The ADL, like Berlet or Dennis King, is not the source of the attacks on LaRouche. They are just a bunch of goons on the payroll. See John Train Salon.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Mon 19th February 2007, 3:35pm) *

The ADL, like Berlet or Dennis King, is not the source of the attacks on LaRouche. They are just a bunch of goons on the payroll.

Careful, HK - given that the ADL is a Jewish organisation, you're bordering on anti-Semitism here. wacko.gif
QUOTE(nobs @ Sun 18th February 2007, 8:47pm) *
...In the vast majority of cases, any connection between my edits and LaRouche would be purely imaginary.
Can you clarify what you mean buy this. I'm not asking to expound on your understanding of LaRouche's ideas. My impression is, you have read some of his "dangerous" writings, and probabaly used some in citations. But as I understand it, you deny any affilliation with the "cultic mentality" of "LaRouchism" that Berlet and others have written extensively on. Nonetheless, it appears even until now, you can't shake the branding of a "LaRouche editor".

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Mon 19th February 2007, 8:35am) *

What I meant by that was straightforward. Will Beback was claiming that my edits to articles such as "European Classical Music," "Hall Johnson," or "Isoperimetry" were loaded with insidious LaRouchist ideas. That is baloney. But as far is "LaRouchism" is concerned, I am "pro-LaRouche."

OK. This is becoming an interesting long overdue discussion. I had not been aware of any connection between "LaRouchism" and "European Classical Music" until I came into Wikipedia in early 2005. I found a very rare English language translation of a very rare prose work of Wilhelm Furtwängler had been deleted from Furtwangler's bio. Furtwangler is about as apolitical a person can get, sufferred de-nazification interrogations, and his deceased reputation has moreless amazingly been portrayed with accuracy in the English language wiki, despite crusades for half a century to tar any shoeshine boy (an exaggeration on my part) who ever shined the shoes of a high level nazi, as a Nazi collaborator.

It took special permission on my part from Will Beback, with SlimVirgin conferring also, and one or the other investigated my claim, that this was an innappropriate deletion. They were very concerned that some anti-Semitic propaganda may be transmitted in that document, and it was carefully reviewed. In the end, by a concensus of Will Beback, me & SlimVirgin, they agreed with my arguement, and I may have gained some standing as a researcher in their eyes to properly qualify sources. But I became aware early on to the sensitivity of this subject, and it is only reasonable. And they even agreed with me that innocent persons, like Furtwangler, should not be tarred with invidious pejoritives.

After the investigation, I asked Slim what was the concern, and she related Furtwangler was on the shit list because of a sanctioned LaRouche editor. That's the first time I ever saw your user handle. But I never understood if it was just a personal interest of yours in so-called "classical music", or if it was part of "Larouche conspiracy" to infect the planet with anti-Semitism via bios of Robert Shumann, or is just LaRouche himself who enjoy's Shumann and transmits his ideosyncratic and fascist musings through codewords and links to European websites about Shumann. None of it makes sense to me.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Mon 19th February 2007, 8:35am) *
QUOTE(nobs @ Sun 18th February 2007, 8:47pm) *
Ask yourself this question, if LaRouche is so intelligent (which he is) why doesn't he tell his "followers" that all his problems come from the ADL?
Because they don't. The ADL, like Berlet or Dennis King, is not the source of the attacks on LaRouche. They are just a bunch of goons on the payroll. See John Train Salon.
Read it then, read it again, and read it now. The third time I read Ace Hayes, some of the spirit of the language began to become coherent. About a month ago, I finally realized Ace Hayes using "Empirical State" or some such phrase, means he must be a LaRouchie (Brandt has this on his website; no wonder he's a target). And yes, this all does warrant further discussion. The Ace Hayes/John Train Salon material properly belongs to the genre of "conspiracy theory".

Bonus Question (3 points): Which Psalm is Schiller's Ode to Joy a paraphrase of?

P.S. let me reveal something very personal; reading Furtwangler's current wiki bio (written by someone else but shaped by some of the discussion I had on the talk page), I am literally moved to tears. And this is evidence why I beleive Wikipedia processes can work.
Daniel Brandt
John Train, according to his Who's Who in America (1984-85) entry, was "Founder, mng. editor Paris Review, 1952-54."

Paris Review, according to The New York Times, December 26, 1977, p. 37, was founded and funded by the CIA. Other founders of Paris Review were Peter Matthiessen and George Plimpton, both witting CIA agents. By 1987 John Train was president of the Afghanistan Relief Committee, which received money in 1985 and 1986 from the National Endowment for Democracy. NED was created by Congress to funnel money to foreign groups so that the CIA wouldn't have to create so many fronts and that kept getting exposed.

For Chip Berlet to even attend the John Train meetings about LaRouche, and rub shoulders with all those high-level spooks, indicates to me that he is in bed with them.

Yet good ol' SlimVirgin wrote on January 6, 2005:
There's no evidence that Roy Godson is an intelligence operative and the weasel catch-all phrase "representatives from intelligence-linked funding sources" is typical Brandt and typical LaRouche.

Holy crap. Even a publication by Political Research Associates, Chip Berlet's propaganda factory, concedes that Godson is spook-connected:
The Consortium is directed by NSIC Washington director Roy Godson, a consultant since 1982 to the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, which oversees covert operations. He has also been a consultant to the National Security Council. The Consortium engages many current and retired intelligence agency employees.... (The Coors Connection by Russ Bellant, 1990, page 48, preface by Chip Berlet)

One might expect Chip Berlet to correct SlimVirgin's obvious error, but no, it serves his purpose in this case so he lets it go. It's all propaganda for Berlet and SlimVirgin, which means that it's all in the service of a higher purpose. Facts cannot be allowed to get in the way of the mission.
Daniel Brandt
Ace Hayes using "Empirical State" or some such phrase, means he must be a LaRouchie (Brandt has this on his website; no wonder he's a target). And yes, this all does warrant further discussion. The Ace Hayes/John Train Salon material properly belongs to the genre of "conspiracy theory".

I think Ace Hayes probably used the term "Imperial State." I knew Ace (who died in 1998), and that sounds like him. He was very anti-Berlet, but more tolerant of LaRouche, although not a LaRouchie by any stretch of the imagination. I think he respected LaRouche mostly because Berlet hated LaRouche, which for Ace meant that LaRouche couldn't be all bad. Ace was an old-style, IWW-type leftist, but he didn't really fit in any box at all.

I don't see the term "Imperial State" or "Empirical State" on my website. In any case, I think Ace may have picked it up from Lenin, not from LaRouche. His writing style was colorful, and driven by anger and frustration, but he was well-informed, independent, and had a lot of integrity. He would have hated Wikipedia.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Mon 19th February 2007, 3:35pm) *

The ADL, like Berlet or Dennis King, is not the source of the attacks on LaRouche.

Is that the Anti-Defamation League? As I've said, I really know nothing about LaRouche. But I get worried if he can only be defended by framing a left-wing politician as a right-wing creep and what I believe to be a respectable charity as a bunch of goons.
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Mon 19th February 2007, 10:31am) *

Ace Hayes using "Empirical State" or some such phrase, means he must be a LaRouchie (Brandt has this on his website; no wonder he's a target). And yes, this all does warrant further discussion. The Ace Hayes/John Train Salon material properly belongs to the genre of "conspiracy theory".

I think Ace Hayes probably used the term "Imperial State." I knew Ace (who died in 1998), and that sounds like him. He was very anti-Berlet, but more tolerant of LaRouche, although not a LaRouchie by any stretch of the imagination. I think he respected LaRouche mostly because Berlet hated LaRouche, which for Ace meant that LaRouche couldn't be all bad. Ace was an old-style, IWW-type leftist, but he didn't really fit in any box at all.

I don't see the term "Imperial State" or "Empirical State" on my website. In any case, I think Ace may have picked it up from Lenin, not from LaRouche. His writing style was colorful, and driven by anger and frustration, but he was well-informed, independent, and had a lot of integrity. He would have hated Wikipedia.
Thank you very much for that clarification. I get lost in these fever swamps. This entry: Chip Berlet#Criticism of Berlet is clearly disinformation,
Berlet has been criticized by The New American for having accused the Anti-Defamation League, in a 1993 op-ed piece for the New York Times, of down-playing the right-wing threat
is using the nested criticism by Bircher's to set Berlet at odds with the ADL. In fact, PRAs publication, History of the Public Eye Electronic Forums (1986) with some material from the Wilcox report (and other sources) shows Berlet has been a subcontractor for the ADL since circa 1985 or 86. I'm not here to float conspiracy theories. I will present sourced evidence with an arguement to the best explanation.

The ADL and Berlet have legitimate and admirable goals; some of their methods and tactics they have used in the internet era, however, do warrant sunlight. "Sunlight cleanses all infections."
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Mon 19th February 2007, 5:10pm) *

Yet good ol' SlimVirgin wrote on January 6, 2005:
There's no evidence that Roy Godson is an intelligence operative and the weasel catch-all phrase "representatives from intelligence-linked funding sources" is typical Brandt and typical LaRouche.

Holy crap. Even a publication by Political Research Associates, Chip Berlet's propaganda factory, concedes that Godson is spook-connected:
The Consortium is directed by NSIC Washington director Roy Godson, a consultant since 1982 to the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, which oversees covert operations. He has also been a consultant to the National Security Council. The Consortium engages many current and retired intelligence agency employees.... (The Coors Connection by Russ Bellant, 1990, page 48, preface by Chip Berlet)

One might expect Chip Berlet to correct SlimVirgin's obvious error, but no, it serves his purpose in this case so he lets it go. It's all propaganda for Berlet and SlimVirgin, which means that it's all in the service of a higher purpose. Facts cannot be allowed to get in the way of the mission.

SlimVirgin single handedly decided that we apparently can't handle the truth? Thus noble lies are in order to purify the Colbertian consensus reality that is Wikipedia? I love it.
Daniel Brandt
ADL had goons on its payroll when Irwin Suall ran its intelligence service. They cooperated with South African intelligence under the apartheid regime, and also ran an intel operation in the U.S. that spied on dozens of political groups, left and right. There was a criminal case in California in 1993-94, which led to a stack of intelligence files getting confiscated, and these were available to the press. At the time I got a set of these files and read them. Berlet traded information with the ADL, and one ADL official said that Berlet and Political Research Associates had been very helpful in monitoring right-wing groups. Berlet would even pose as a right-winger and infiltrate right-wing meetings. For more information on the spying case in California, search for Tom Gerard and/or Roy Bullock on Yahoo or Google.
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Mon 19th February 2007, 11:06am) *

ADL had goons on its payroll when Irwin Suall ran its intelligence service. They cooperated with South African intelligence under the apartheid regime
We've recently broached the wide breadth of this subject on WR here, the disinformation excerpted,
"developed itself" is a little misleading, don't you think ... in light of... United Nations General Assembly Resolution 43/80. (December 7, 1988), which reads,
...Israel's development and acquisition of nuclear weapons and Israel's collaboration with South Africa to develop nuclear weapons...
which I can't find any reference to anywhere in Wikipedia.
QUOTE(guy @ Mon 19th February 2007, 8:20am) *

Careful, HK - given that the ADL is a Jewish organisation, you're bordering on anti-Semitism here. wacko.gif

The ADL is a very complicated organization that engages in all sorts of activity, much of it covert. The "Jewish charity" side of it is strictly a cover story, and an appallingly cynical one at that, because by claiming to fight anti-Semitism, and thereby branding its critics, by implication, as anti-Semites, they trivialize real anti-Semitism (see this section of the Wikipedia article on ADL critic Norman Finkelstein.)

Even the Wikipedia article on the ADL, which has been sanitized and then sanitized again by Jayjg and co., contains this section, which Daniel alluded to earlier. This particular controversy should help indicate that the ADL is involved in a whole lot of stuff that has nothing to do with Jews or Judaism.

To put the matter in a nutshell, when the US Congress put an end to COINTELPRO, the policy of harassment of political organizations by the FBI and CIA, those latter organizations simply privatized it, farming it out to the ADL in particular. There is more that could be said about this matter, but I think that this is sufficient. I'd like to keep this thread from going too far off topic.
All sorts of people collaborated with South Africa - left, right and neither. If it weren't for the ADL, America would be a nastier place. They've done far more to uproot nasty Internet practices than they've ever done themselves. (I know, two wrongs don't make a right, but one does have to be pragmatic at times.)

And unlike Guy, I'm no friend of Lady Symons, but she can't be described as right-wing.
QUOTE(Yehudi @ Mon 19th February 2007, 3:33pm) *

If it weren't for the ADL, America would be a nastier place. They've done far more to uproot nasty Internet practices than they've ever done themselves. (I know, two wrongs don't make a right, but one does have to be pragmatic at times.)

I agree very much with this. Let's not run ahead of the discussion too much -- more groundwork needs to be laid.

This document, which is very Malthusian in character, says
...a positive and proactive propaganda distribution programme, and amelioration through direct action...
It's hard to find better language for "the sum total of human knowledge"; but there are limits to how many victims will be unwittingly labelled with invidious smears through this direct action. The problems are too manifold and manifest without some serious reconsideration of what has already been done here, and the direction this is proceeding which masticates even people of good will. And this work of profiling can't be hidden, not in the United States, not without blowback.
"Masticates"? huh.gif
QUOTE(Somey @ Mon 19th February 2007, 4:04pm) *

"Masticates"? huh.gif

Yah, chews up, devours, etc.
QUOTE(Yehudi @ Mon 19th February 2007, 2:33pm) *

I'm no friend of Lady Symons, but she can't be described as right-wing.

Suppose we just settle on "spooky," then?

I am hard pressed to think of contemporary politicians that I would think of as being genuinely "left." I would expect some inclination to Marxism, or at least a pronounced interest in the plight of the poor. The plight of the poor is becoming more excruciating by the day, and I don't find environmentalism or "identity politics" to be of much comfort under the circumstances.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Mon 19th February 2007, 6:22pm) *

I am hard pressed to think of contemporary politicians that I would think of as being genuinely "left." I would expect some inclination to Marxism, or at least a pronounced interest in the plight of the poor. The plight of the poor is becoming more excruciating by the day, and I don't find environmentalism or "identity politics" to be of much comfort under the circumstances.

So HK, would you say your outlook is similiar to these Malthusian statements from the pre-Patriot Act, pre-Wikipedia, policy proposal to HMG, Nazism, the Internet and Culture of Violence?

...a similar lack of social investment to aid the workforce in NATO countries in adjusting to world market changes affecting their economies is yielding ...similar fascist uprisings by a disgruntled, fragmented and equally violent sections of the populace, principally amongst the self perceived "disenfranchised" of the middle classes...

...fascist uprisings do not follow the blueprint of working class revolutions, as fascist uprising and subversive activity originates in the ranks of the middle and thus managerial classes of society... Only normative InterNet usage by the international fascist movement as the C4I tool of choice makes effectual centreless leadership, rendering it extremely difficult (though possible) for security services to lawfully predict future actions ...

The aim of ... policy formulation on a fact based bottom up level derived from the data at hand rather than strategic theoretical down style deployment of intelligence gathering forces toward determining empirically the actionable extent of what appears at first sight to be a passing youth fashion espoused by atavistic eccentrics and Hitler buffs ....

...the USA view on a near-unanimous basis by both the government and the populace is that the First Amendment (governing freedom of speech) to the US Constitution grants those who are of the Nazi persuasion the inalienable right to advocate this form of mass murder on the InterNet, in the press, and through public presentation and lecture. Thus it should come as no surprise that the embracing of Nazism worldwide as a fourth option (after capitalist republicanism, communism, and parliamentary democracy) for solving the problems of contemporary political and economic existence is first and foremost a distinctly American funded and U.S. Constitution-underwritten enterprise. Nazism is as popular an American export as Disney lunchboxes, rap music, $200.00 sneakers, pornography, mindlessly violent videos, televangelism, and crack cocaine....says more ... than outright condemns those searching for solutions from whatever quarter they might arise to the horrible economic disequilibria & unfair absurdities on display in plain view of the production line labourer, temporary service worker and the common foot soldier.
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Tue 20th February 2007, 1:22am) *

Suppose we just settle on "spooky," then?

I can only say that I have never found her so. And since this isn't Wikipedia, we're allowed to quote personal knowledge! biggrin.gif

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Tue 20th February 2007, 1:22am) *

I am hard pressed to think of contemporary politicians that I would think of as being genuinely "left."

Doesn't that depend on where you're standing?

Of course, there's always George Galloway, though some would argue that he illustrates beautifully how the far left and the far right have more in common than they care to admit.
this disambig page.
QUOTE(guy @ Tue 20th February 2007, 3:46am) *

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Tue 20th February 2007, 1:22am) *

I am hard pressed to think of contemporary politicians that I would think of as being genuinely "left."

Doesn't that depend on where you're standing?

Of course, there's always George Galloway, though some would argue that he illustrates beautifully how the far left and the far right have more in common than they care to admit.

I am unfamiliar with Mr. Galloway. Why would some argue that? I will also say, cautiously, that Ken Livingstone appears to me to be a fairly legitimately "left" sort of guy. I have not followed his career carefully, but he seems to annoy Tony Blair quite a lot, which earns him points with me.

Incidentally, LaRouche is not what is normally considered "left," although he once was. He has spent the past thirty years reviving what was once called the "American System," which does not advocate public ownership (outside of major infrastructure,) but does advocate extensive government regulation of anything that affects the national interest, including transportation, health care, banking and finance, electric utilities, and telecommunications. He refers to Lincoln and FDR as examples of successful policy. The "American System" is regarded by its proponents as a successful alternative to two failed options, Laissez-faire capitalism and Marxism. I believe there are some establishment types who wish to suppress the idea that there is an alternative to these two failed systems.

I think that it is significant that this is the area where the Wikipedia Cabal has the most intense paranoia about LaRouche, and it reinforces my suspicion that Jimbo and his POV are at the root of the whole thing. The articles where there have been fights and accusations of "LaRouchism," without LaRouche ever being mentioned or cited in the article, include:

Free Trade

The biggest fight was over an article that at one time did briefly mention LaRouche, which was "American System (economics)". I'm not sure what became of that article; I think that Will Beback may have deleted it. It's now a redirect to this disambig page.. I tried to find the page history of the pre-redirected article, and the earliest version on record is this one, which Northmeister somehow reconstructed after the much more extensive, older article was apparently deleted. Maybe someone who understands the intricacies of Wikipedia better than I can figure out what actually happened to this article.
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