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The 'How Conservatives Are Spinning Wikipedia Into UNCLE' Affair!
Huffington Post, NY - 36 minutes ago
Wikipedia is a fascinating phenomenon. As permanent as your footprints on a beach at high tide. It is ever-changing. Sometimes legitimately - as new facts ...
Yahoo! News
HOW CONSERVATIVES ARE TURNING THIS... (© Wikipedia Foundation) INTO THIS: (© Warner Bros.) Wikipedia is a fascinating phenomenon. As permanent as your footprints on a beach at high tide. It is ever-changing. Sometimes legitimately - as new facts are added to a current story or corrections are made to erroneous assertions. Other times more cunningly. Such as ...

Interesting article! Essentially, it says that articles about Clinton-era scandals are entitlred "Such-and-such Scandal," whereas articles about Reagan/Bush/W-era scandals are entitled "Such-and-such Affair."

Which reminds me - I've often felt that Conservapedia was really a form of distraction ploy, a feint to get the media to think the right-wing folks have jumped ship - when in fact, they're just as active on WP as ever, if not more so.

There should be more research along these lines... it all seems so obvious when it's pointed out to you, but nobody (until now) really points this sort of thing out.

They're clever, I'll give 'em that!
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(Somey @ Sat 31st March 2007, 12:33am) *

Interesting article! Essentially, it says that articles about Clinton-era scandals are entitlred "Such-and-such Scandal", whereas articles about Reagan/Bush/W-era scandals are entitled "Such-and-such Affair".

Which reminds me - I've often felt that Conservapedia was really a form of distraction ploy, a feint to get the media to think the right-wing folks have jumped ship — when in fact, they're just as active on WP as ever, if not more so.

There should be more research along these lines... it all seems so obvious when it's pointed out to you, but nobody (until now) really points this sort of thing out.

They're clever, I'll give 'em that!

I think that the long term effect of all this will simply be that the suffix -pedia will cease to mean what it use to mean in English usage, coming to mean something more like broadside, bull(etin), op-ed piece, pamphlet, or talking points.

Jonny cool.gif
Political ideologues of all kinds are exploiting Wikipedia - Conservatives are just the convenient label for "people gaming the system for reasons you don't agree with"
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(JohnA @ Sat 5th May 2007, 1:03pm) *

Political ideologues of all kinds are exploiting Wikipedia — Conservatives are just the convenient label for "people gaming the system for reasons you don't agree with"

Heavens to Bitsy !!! The word conservative doesn't begin to cover the variety of people with whom I disagree !!!

There are no dangling prepositions,
There are no dangling prepositions,
There are no dangling prepositions on me !!!

Jonny Pin-Cachio cool.gif
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