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Full Version: Wicked-pedia: 'Why the online encyclopedia makes me want to scream'
> Media Forums > News Worth Discussing
A month ago, driven by the accursed imperatives of vanity, I decided to give myself an entry in Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia.

Also be sure to follow the ensuing Wikipedia circlejerk:
It's really amazing that Petronella Wyatt had to write her own article - she's a hundred times more notable than many people with articles.
QUOTE(guy @ Mon 23rd April 2007, 2:38pm) *

It's really amazing that Petronella Wyatt had to write her own article - she's a hundred times more notable than many people with articles.

My dad thought up the name Wickedpedia before I used it, back in February. I wonder how long it's been around?
I had also read that Jerry Sanger, one of the co-founders, had resigned, saying the organisation has "problems". But I had pooh-poohed this.

not sure if that is a joke or not, but either way, poor larry laugh.gif

btw some of the responses on the mailing list to this are disgraceful.
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