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Yahoo! News
New technology always inspires a certain critical dialectic. Step one of the dialectic begins with a burst of future hype, ecstatic prose with one message: The new technology is going to usher in utopia.

Yahoo! News
New technology always inspires a certain critical dialectic. Step one of the dialectic begins with a burst of future hype, ecstatic prose with one message: The new technology is going to usher in utopia.

Daniel Brandt
This article is a review of Andrew Keen, The Cult of the Amateur. The release date is June 5. You can order now from Amazon for about $16. I don't know how good the book is, but it's got to make more sense than reading the WikiEN-l mailing list!
From Andrew Keen's blog:
QUOTE(Andrew Keen @ Wednesday, 23 May 2007)
Enough of blogs and enough of bloggers! It's bad enough that there are 70 million of them out there, littering the Internet with fast breaking news about what their authors ate for breakfast. But blogs are just one piece in the digital media revolution. They are boring to write (yawn), boring to read (yawn) and boring to discuss (yawn).

What I really want to discuss is the impact of Web 2.0 on truth, education, memory and power. I want debate the increasingly Orwellian role of Google in our information economy. I want to talk about the way in which the Internet has unleashed a plague of pornography, gambling and intellectual dishonesty on our youth. I want to discuss the future of the book. I want to imagine the future of knowledge when, to quote David Weinberger, everything is miscellaneous.

Anyone want to join me in this discussion?

And here, all this time, I thought he'd already registered an account here on Wikipedia Review. Maybe I was wrong about that...

I guess someone had better tell him what we're up to... Hey, do you think he'd be interested in discussing what SlimVirgin had for breakfast this morning? unsure.gif
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