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Jonny Cache
Whos says there's no autodenotation in Wikipedia?

Computer Assisted Biologically Augmented Lifeform

Jonny cool.gif

PS. Not to be confused with autodetonation, which they're still working on. cool.gif
A Man In Black
Isn't that article awful? I want to try and get it deleted, but every time I open the page I'm struck with such debilitating ennui that I cannot.
QUOTE(A Man In Black @ Sat 16th June 2007, 12:00am) *
Isn't that article awful? I want to try and get it deleted, but every time I open the page I'm struck with such debilitating ennui that I cannot.

I know! I have that same problem with some of the material here. But on Wikipedia, it must be a million times worse... It's like, "do I really want to open a huge can of worms and cause a massive shitstorm that will result in everyone getting freaked out over nothing, just to get rid of this one stupid article?" And of course the answer for any sane person is "no," and yet, this is what's expected of you, this is what you signed up for, and if you don't do it, someone from the enemy website is probably going to notice and say something about it. So you can't win.

This is the seamy underbelly of Web 2.0, the fine print, the dirty little secret that nobody tells you about until you're already too far in to get out without feeling guilty about it. It's sucky, and there's just no other word for it.

Ahh, well.
Jonny Cache
Well, it does have the redeeming social virtue of a good acronym ...

Why should I expect more than that ???

Jonny cool.gif
The Joy
QUOTE(A Man In Black @ Sat 16th June 2007, 1:00am) *

Isn't that article awful? I want to try and get it deleted, but every time I open the page I'm struck with such debilitating ennui that I cannot.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big Command & Conquer fan, but most of this could easily be merged into the Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun article, in my opinion.

In fact, most things I find on WP like this article could be merged into another article or deleted.

I think there should be a new category for articles like that - WP:SJNC which stands for Sweet Jesus Nobody Cares

There are so many articles like that where you wonder at the mentality of people who write full articles on dull metro stations in the suburbs of Tokyo, or every flaming blob ever mentioned in Star Wars or the finer intricacies of Book 3, Chapter 2, sentence 34 of the Lord of the Rings or the minor points of warp coil design in Star Trek.
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