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Yahoo! News
Along with Web 2.0 technologies' appearance, social networking web sites have become of great importance in the present context of online business development. Viaden Media , member of W3C since 2006 and member of High Technologies Park of Belarus since 2007, is sure it is extremely important to develop modern online society through dynamic content generation.

Wikipedia ( can be considered one of the brightest examples of open source web sites, and one of the largest reliable informative knowledge databases covering all the spheres of human activities. ... "We have a profound respect for Wikipedia. They found a way to unite people from all over the world, to make them communicate with each other, to share great ideas and finally to contribute into the human knowledge treasury," says Katsia Chaikouskaya, international manager at Viaden Media.

QUOTE(guy @ Thu 21st June 2007, 7:35am) *

Wikipedia ( can be considered one of the brightest examples of open source web sites, and one of the largest reliable informative knowledge databases covering all the spheres of human activities. ... "We have a profound respect for Wikipedia. They found a way to unite people from all over the world, to make them communicate with each other, to share great ideas and finally to contribute into the human knowledge treasury," says Katsia Chaikouskaya, international manager at Viaden Media.

Yes, but the devil is in the details.
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Thu 21st June 2007, 10:27am) *

QUOTE(guy @ Thu 21st June 2007, 7:35am) *


Wikipedia ( can be considered one of the brightest examples of open source web sites, and one of the largest reliable informative knowledge databases covering all the spheres of human activities. ... "We have a profound respect for Wikipedia. They found a way to unite people from all over the world, to make them communicate with each other, to share great ideas, and finally to contribute into the human knowledge treasury", says Katsia Chaikouskaya, international manager at Viaden Media.

Yes, but the devil is in the details.

How e-thralling a wikipaen ! Its gloriosky oratory has inspired me to change my nom de fume, but I can't decide between Jonny Katsia and Jonny Chaikouskaya. Maybe I'll start a poll ...

Jonny ??? cool.gif
This is just a verbatim press release from a company in Belarus that uses MediaWiki internally, and wants everyone to know... pure spam. And hey it only cost them $399!

Maybe we should use that service ourselves? We could announce... what, exactly? unsure.gif
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