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WR Editorials
One of the biggest topics being discussed in the Wikipedia Review forums at the moment is the fall of, and whether Wikipedia Review should take over management of it. asked Wikipedia Review for help with creating the site, advertised on Wikipedia Review for members, then once it was up and running it generated much [...]
Woo hoo. Written by me. This time without help from Somey lol.
One problem with the site was that for example, Looch would complain abuse admin abuse of JzG and then JzG would go around spreading Looch's real name.

Jonny Cache did the same to admins and then admins spread his real name. Jonny Cache got really upset. Normally, his conversations are all like the Tamarians from Star Trek: The Next Generation, but instead he got really panicked and was like "REMOVE ALL MATERIAL ABOUT ME FROM THIS SITE!!!" and Rootology got annoyed. I think Rootology needed to do more to defend contributors.
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