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Yahoo! News
Life & style: Andrew Keen says the internet is populated by second-rate amateurs - and that it is swiftly destroying our culture. Tim Dowling meets him.


Keen is is right on the nail in the quote below from the article. And it goes some way to revealing the real political bias of wikipedia.

"My real targets are what I would call the libertarians on the right and the left," he says. To Keen, the "democratised" web is actually a form of oligarchy, the product of an unholy alliance between old counterculturalists ("fat guys with beards, basically") and free-market fundamentalists (he offers Chris Anderson, author of The Long Tail, as an example). The former group, he says, reject "all forms of external authority"; the latter believe "that if you just leave everything alone it will work itself out".

One inviolable tenet of this twin-track libertarian ethos, according to Keen, is a misplaced faith in the integrity of the amateur - the citizen journalist, the self-published author, the mash-up musician - and a generic distrust of expertise"
Andrew Keen says the internet is populated by second-rate amateurs - and that it is swiftly destroying our culture. Tim Dowling meets the man cyberspace loves to hate
Yahoo! News
UPDATED: 00 :19 a.m. EDT, July 22, 2007 Chuck Yarborough does boat patrol. Talk arts, movies, music, dining and more!

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• Andrew Keen criticizes our reliance on Wikipedia-style ...
Cleveland Plain Dealer, OH - 1 hour ago
According to Time maga zine, you were the 2006 Person of the Year. According to Andrew Keen's "The Cult of the Amateur," you might become very sorry about ...
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• Andrew Keen criticizes our reliance on Wikipedia-style ...
Cleveland Plain Dealer, OH - 15 hours ago
According to Time maga zine, you were the 2006 Person of the Year. According to Andrew Keen's "The Cult of the Amateur," you might become very sorry about ...
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