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Yahoo! News
The definition of Web 2.0 differs depending on whom you ask. Most would agree that it refers to user-generated content, like what is found on MySpace or YouTube, but it also should be considered as a feature that encourages user participation and the sharing of knowledge. If Netscape is Web 1.0, then Google is Web 2.0. If Britannica Online is Web 1.0, then Wikipedia is Web 2.0.

Yahoo! News
The definition of Web 2.0 differs depending on whom you ask. Most would agree that it refers to user-generated content, like what is found on MySpace or YouTube, but it also should be considered as a feature that encourages user participation and the sharing of knowledge.

Yahoo! News
The definition of Web 2.0 differs depending on whom you ask. Most would agree that it refers to user-generated content, like what is found on MySpace or YouTube, but it also should be considered as a feature that encourages user participation and the sharing of knowledge. If Netscape is Web 1.0, then Google is Web 2.0. If Britannica Online is Web 1.0, then Wikipedia is Web 2.0.

Yahoo! News
The tremendous surge in Web-based services and applications, known as "Web 2.0," and their corresponding influence on how people create, exchange and use information are producing an array of new challenges for records and information management professionals -- including how to use these tools effectively and how to manage the creation, integrity, storage, access and dissemination of such ...

Yahoo! News
With each new edition, English dictionaries make much fanfare about the new words added to the language. Words like blog, podcast, wiki, spyware, ringtone and blozging entered our lexicon.

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