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Wikipedia and the Intelligence Services
OhmyNews International, South Korea - 23 minutes ago
While researching my next article about the Lockerbie bombing, I witnessed an incident that made me wonder whether intelligence agents had infiltrated ...
We made the news twice! Well, same article but hey.
Google News

Wikipedia Infiltrated by Intelligence Agents?
Slashdot - 57 minutes ago
An anonymous reader writes "International Humanitarian Law professor Ludwig Braeckeleer thinks so. In an article published yesterday in the Korean newspaper ...
QUOTE(Google News @ Fri 27th July 2007, 5:13pm) *

Wikipedia Infiltrated by Intelligence Agents?
Slashdot - 57 minutes ago
An anonymous reader writes "International Humanitarian Law professor Ludwig Braeckeleer thinks so. In an article published yesterday in the Korean newspaper ...

Looks like Slashdot is an "attack site" now... wonder if the Clique will start suppressing all links to it?
Slim Virgin had been voted the most abusive administrator of Wikipedia. She upset so many editors that some of them decided to team up to research her real life identity...
Yahoo! News
An anonymous reader writes "International Humanitarian Law professor Ludwig Braeckeleer thinks so. In an article published yesterday in the Korean newspaper OhMyNews, he reveals a discovery he made while researching a story on the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Scotland. It turns out that a Wikipedia administrator named SlimVirgin is actually Linda Mack, a woman who as a young graduate in the ...

QUOTE(dtobias @ Fri 27th July 2007, 3:59pm) *

QUOTE(Google News @ Fri 27th July 2007, 5:13pm) *

Wikipedia Infiltrated by Intelligence Agents?
Slashdot - 57 minutes ago
An anonymous reader writes "International Humanitarian Law professor Ludwig Braeckeleer thinks so. In an article published yesterday in the Korean newspaper ...

Looks like Slashdot is an "attack site" now... wonder if the Clique will start suppressing all links to it?

RFC! RFC! File an RFC against SlimVirgin for her possible WP:COI violations!!!!
Google News

Wikipedia Infiltrated by Intelligence Agents?
Slashdot - 3 hours ago
An anonymous reader writes "International Humanitarian Law professor Ludwig Braeckeleer thinks so. In an article published yesterday in the Korean newspaper ...
Anyone who knows the universal success of Wikipedia will immediately grasp the importance of the issue. The fact that most Internet search engines, such as Google, give Wikipedia articles top ranking only raises the stakes to a higher level.
Google News

Wikipedia and the Intelligence Services: Is the Net's popular ...
Center for Research on Globalization, Canada - 1 hour ago
by Dr. Ludwig De Braeckeleer While researching my next article about the Lockerbie bombing, I witnessed an incident that made me wonder whether intelligence ...
Google News

Wikipedia and the Intelligence Services: Is the Net's popular ...
Center for Research on Globalization, Canada - 3 hours ago
by Dr. Ludwig De Braeckeleer While researching my next article about the Lockerbie bombing, I witnessed an incident that made me wonder whether intelligence ...
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