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Yahoo! News
Anyone can rank teams in terms of winning percentages. But when intangibles are involved, our biases come to light -- sometimes in startling ways, writes Bill Curry.

Yahoo! News
When CNN and Youtube teamed up last week for the presidential debates, it was one of two things: 1) an acceptance of Youtube and Web 2.0 as a viable new media force or 2) a way for CNN to cash in on the viable new media force. Cynicism aside, though, we are seeing an unprecedented tide of grassroots populism in the Internet, traditionally known for digital junkies pioneering new brands of ...

Yahoo! News
Satellite navigation company TomTom plans to gather information from drivers, echoing the "community" approach that has worked for Wikipedia and YouTube.

Yahoo! News
Hotswap says that “seeing is believing,” and, to a point, I agree; Hotswap lets people post videos to sell their used cars, which is far better than a picture or 15-word newspaper blurb. Now, with the support of Steve Wozniak, the site may be in a good position to take off. To clear up one possible misconception: Hotswap’s used cars are not limited to rusted-out junkers from two decades ...

Yahoo! News
Before they came to pass I announced them to you, lest you say, "My idols did them." (Is. 48:5) Re: Cornell; i.e. Big Red; i.e. ".. the Lady in Red! Take my advice, you'd be better off dead!" J. Garcia Don't worry! They don't have enough men to defend such stupidity! Note 7/30 additions!

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