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WikiYou: Sticking it to Wikipedia's Strict Anti-Liable Standards
Appscout, NY - 11 minutes ago
There are any number of ways for measuring financial success: happiness, accomplishments, financial security, material possessions--these days, however, ...
QUOTE(Google News @ Thu 26th July 2007, 4:45pm) *

WikiYou: Sticking it to Wikipedia's Strict Anti-Liable Standards
Appscout, NY - 11 minutes ago
There are any number of ways for measuring financial success: happiness, accomplishments, financial security, material possessions--these days, however, ...

What are people's thoughts about this site, as well as I have an account on Spock, and so far, my experiments show that maybe one out of ten random people I know whom I search out, are actually accounted for. Then, when they're accounted, it's populated with information mostly from sites like MySpace and such. Places where the subjects have (most likely) uploaded information about themselves, anyway.

Still, I don't like where this seems to be headed -- and WikiYou especially seems headed toward the receiving end of a lawsuit.

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