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Yahoo! News
PR reports: Evans Blue new CD, "THE PURSUIT BEGINS WHEN THIS portrayal OF LIFE ENDS," came out this week. We asked the band to pick their five favorite tracks from the CD and tell us a little bit about each one.

Yahoo! News
(DiR) Punkbands ran the following report: According to the Fugazi Wikipedia* entry: As of July 23, 2007 the members of Fugazi have finalized a deal for a one-off show at Fort Reno Park in Washington, DC to take place Monday, September 3, 2007. This show coincides with the release of Glen Friedman's book as well as the 20th anniversary of Fugazi's first show.

Yahoo! News
(DiR) Punkbands ran the following report: According to the Fugazi Wikipedia* entry: As of July 23, 2007 the members of Fugazi have finalized a deal for a one-off show at Fort Reno Park in Washington, DC to take place Monday, September 3, 2007. This show coincides with the release of Glen Friedman's book as well as the 20th anniversary of Fugazi's first show.

Yahoo! News
DiR reports: Punkbands ran the following report: According to the Fugazi Wikipedia* entry: As of July 23, 2007 the members of Fugazi have finalized a deal for a one-off show at Fort Reno Park in Washington, DC to take place Monday, September 3, 2007. This show coincides with the release of Glen Friedman's book as well as the 20th anniversary of Fugazi's first show.

haha, guess it got cancelled.

as soon as I read this i thought "there's probably going to be a lot of disappointed Fugazi fans."
Yahoo! News
(antiMusic) Remember that supposed Fugazi reunion that was supposed to take place at Fort Reno in Washington, DC on Monday, September 3, 2007? The one we told you we couldn't confirm and the venue website had no mention of despite a Wikipedia entry announcement? Guess what?

This is just the sort of thing we've been saying about so-called "open editing." Think of all the people who are going to become depressed and slit their wrists now that they've found out Fugazi isn't going to do a reunion gig after all. There could be hundreds, thousands of needless deaths! And what will this mean for sales of classic albums like Repeater and Steady Diet of Nothing?

Next thing you know, they'll be telling us the promised Minor Threat reunion tour is "just a big joke."
My cousin, (name of Fugazi guitar tech redacted), is a guitar tech and happens to know that the date for the reunion show at (venue name of Fugazi reunion show redacted) is (Fugazi reunion date redacted).
I'm glad somebody redacted all that sensitive information - it's important that the privacy of any future Fugazi reunion gigs be maintained, so as not to cause undue stress on the band members by allowing non-members to attend the gig. That's especially true if the gig is to be held at Fort Reno, which as we all know is an outdoor venue. The last thing we need around here are more outings...

I probably shouldn't mention this, but I was once in a band that was scheduled to play at Fort Reno, opening for another local DC act (not Fugazi - they didn't exist at the time). The gig got cancelled because the lead singer of the headline act got really sick, and they didn't think anyone would want to see us playing with another local band, even at a free show.

They were right, of course, but it was still kind of insulting. angry.gif

I have another somewhat related story, actually... I was in a record store in Arlington one afternoon in, I dunno, 1980 or 1981, and lo and behold, in walks a gang of skinheads. I was the only other person in the store except for the manager, and it turns out the skinheads were Minor Threat - and they'd literally just gotten the first pressings of their first 7-inch EP, the one with the red cover, with "Screaming at a Wall" on it. I could have been one of the first people on Earth to buy one, maybe the first - but to me they just looked like a bunch of really angry Buddhist monks in t-shirts, so I didn't even say "hi." I ended up buying the first Dead Kennedys and Gang of Four singles that day instead, which actually ended up being worth a bit more, not that I'm ever going to sell them.

Ahh, the memories...
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