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Full Version: PRESS RELEASE: Wikia and PLAYXPERT partner to Deliver Game-Specific Information To Gamers While In-Game (
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Yahoo! News
August 1, 2007- Wikia, Inc, the largest gaming wiki community and PLAYXPERT, LLC, the provider of next-generation in-game community management tools, today announced the general release of the PLAYXPERT Wiki Widget, now available for download from

Sheesh... How long before Wikia partners with Playtex, makers of the Cross-Your-Heart Bra™, in order to deliver cup-size information to women while in their private dressing rooms?
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 31st July 2007, 2:14am) *

Sheesh... How long before Wikia partners with Playtex, makers of the Cross-Your-Heart Bra™, in order to deliver cup-size information to women while in their private dressing rooms?

How long until Jimbo runs out of VC funding?
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